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Ampeg Scrambler RI...Anyone tried it? Anyone A/B'd it?


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Yeah, I A/B'ed them a couple of months ago when I stopped down at Analog Man. Here's the link:




I was the one who was actually playing and switching the two back and forth. But as usual, you wouldn't know I was there. Mike was standing back and listening, like he does, getting different aural perspectives by standing in different parts of the shop. Or sometimes he goes back in the office, always with an ear open. And then he takes the picture at some point, writes up a little summary, and posts it on his site. I also got to A/B David Gilmour's Astrotone with Mike's Sam Ash Fuzzzzzzzzzz Boxxxx. I think he likes when I come in and can test stuff (which isn't all that often anymore), because he can listen with a more critical ear that way.

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Originally posted by varialbender

I tried one the other day. I've never tried the original. The Scrambler RI sounds.... well, good.... but not THAT good...

Maybe I don't know good tone though. There seemed to be a lot of hype around the originals. I don't think this one lived up to it for me.



See with all these new extreme fuzz pedals that are out -- Scrambler, Fender Blender, Foxx Tone Machine -- I'm not sure that conventional "good tone" is really the point. The Blender certainly isn't a tone machine in the cork sniffing blues dude sense of the word, it plays rough with your ears. But it does cop some really nasty -- in a good way -- tones.



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I fully understand that it's not supposed to sound good in a traditional sorta sense. I like that type of pedal. I just didn't think it lived up to that hype.


It was just a short trial while I was waiting for the Memory Lane to find its adapter.


I'll go in and give it another chance though. I did like it, just wasn't crapping my pants when I played it.

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Originally posted by varialbender

I fully understand that it's not supposed to sound good in a traditional sorta sense. I like that type of pedal. I just didn't think it lived up to that hype.

It was just a short trial while I was waiting for the Memory Lane to find its adapter.

I'll go in and give it another chance though. I did like it, just wasn't crapping my pants when I played it.



Gotcha. You try the Blender? Its cheaper than the Scrambler. Pretty explosive with a Fender jaguar, although I've ended up going with a Boss Hyper Fuzz because of pedal board space considerations.

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Havn't tried the Blender. Was looking forward to trying the Foxx Tone Machine until I found out that the French Toast was supposed to be its clone (sorta cheapens the whole thing, if you ask me). Man, does the Foxx Tone Machine ever look cool though...


Anyway, my fuzz source right now is the Fuzz Factory. I havn't tried too many fuzzes, as I just recently made my switch from bass to guitar, and was looking for a different type of fuzz when I was playing bass. Maybe I'm spoiled with the Fuzz Factory and just don't appreciate the Scrambler because I havn't had a chance to try out a ton of really bad guitar fuzzes.

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