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Mesa Boogie, Triple Rec effects question


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I got the Rocktron yesterday. I seem to be confused about something. First, although it does not change my tone much, I have a problem with levels. I have it running through the loop. However, when i am playing clean (without distortion), you can tell the tone is a bit distorted. If i turn the loop off, the clean tone becomes truly clean without distortion. The distortion is very slight, but, when i strum the chords harder, the clean tone distorts. On my amp, I have two dials, a mix dial and a send dial. On the Rocktron Xpression, I have two dials as well; an input dial and an output dial. I think the answer to my distortion problem is in these four dials. However, i realize that when I lower the mix dial, the distortion disappears, but so do the effects. It doesn't seem like there is a happy medium between having the full effects and the processor distorting my clean tone. Do you have any suggestions to this dilemma?

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the rocktron is probably clipping because you're sending to much signal to it. Therefore you need to balance the send knob on the mesa and the input knob on the rocktron. try setting them both to 50% and take it from there.

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