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Ever layer fuzz?

papa taco

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Ge into Ge?

Si into Ge?

Ge ins Si?


I hate most overdrive pedals. I like Fuzzface clones though. But they are pretty sensitive about what other pedals to run with them. Anyone run 2 fuzzes together? Say, one set for hot and the other set for a bit of grit. I know Ge fuzzes clean up well from the guitar's volume, by the way.


Or is there a pedal that has 2 separate fuzz settings that you can switch between or layer?



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Demeter Fuzzulator, alligator.

From GP:

Due to its dual distortion circuits, the Fuzzulator is really two pedals in one. The LED circuit produces an unmistakably fuzzy tone, but with a little of the smoothness and glassy attack of an overdriven tube amp. The diode circuit dishes up a full-bodied and harmonically rich buzz reminiscent of a hot-rodded Fuzz Face. The unusually wide-ranging Fuzz control dials in degrees of distortion from a gentle rasp to seriously supersaturated, and the equally versatile Tone control sweeps from dark and smooth to bright and edgy. The Fuzzulator cleans up well when you roll back the guitar volume, individual note articulation within chords is astonishing (even on the most extreme settings), and the unit is amazingly quiet.

It has Si/Ge and some other crap apparently.
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Yeah, but I want to footswitch between 2 or 3 levels of fuzz.

Ya dig?

Say, a Ge channel for a warm fuzzy crunch (I run my amp distorting a bit on its own) and use my guitar volume for different levels of that fuzzy warm crunch. Then being able to switch over to a Silicon channel for more definition gain/intensity/treble.


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I always run a Big Cheese into a Bee-Baa. Usually one or the other, but sometimes both at once. Neither is too sensitive about what's before them although i can hear a difference i there's a bufferedn pedal before them.

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I'm thinking Fulltone 70 into Addrock Geranium. I've got the Fulltone 70 already and it's a great sounding aggressive pedal. It sounds like the Addrock is really flexible as it has an input volume control (to prevent overloading) and I hear lots of good things about it. Maybe I should buy an Addrock and stfu.


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Originally posted by papa taco

I'm thinking Fulltone 70 into Addrock Geranium. I've got the Fulltone 70 already and it's a great sounding aggressive pedal. It sounds like the Addrock is really flexible as it has an input volume control (to prevent overloading) and I hear lots of good things about it. Maybe I should buy an Addrock and stfu.


Possibly the other way around. Some germaniums can be pretty picky about what's before them (impedance wise). Probably good to try both combos though.

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Originally posted by Blungo

Possibly the other way around. Some germaniums can be pretty picky about what's before them (impedance wise). Probably good to try both combos though.

True dat. But I find the Fulltone 70 is even more picky about {censored} in front of it than the AM Sunface I used to have. Something I may do is get a 2 loop looper or something and put them in the separate loops and switch between them. ;)


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Originally posted by papa taco

True dat. But I find the Fulltone 70 is even more picky about {censored} in front of it than the AM Sunface I used to have. Something I may do is get a 2 loop looper or something and put them in the separate loops and switch between them.


I've been thinking about a multiple loop setup using something like the carl martin combinator, or maybe i could get dot dot dot to make something similar but simpler?

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Originally posted by Blungo

I always run a Big Cheese into a Bee-Baa. Usually one or the other, but sometimes both at once. Neither is too sensitive about what's before them although i can hear a difference i there's a bufferedn pedal before them.




Yeah boyeee!



I love the Bee Baa/Standard Fuzz combo, myself (would prolly love the Big Cheese in there as well if only I had one!)

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Originally posted by Boron

Yeah boyeee!

I love the Bee Baa/Standard Fuzz combo, myself (would prolly love the Big Cheese in there as well if only I had one!)

Don't have a standard fuzz anymore,but i bet it would sound great into a Bee-Baa.:cool:

I love that whole family of fuzz (super fuzz, standard fuzz, fuzz wah, etc.) but i think my fave is the big cheese. Even though it wasn't made in the same era, sonically i consider it to be in that group.

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