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dungen on conan tonight

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saw them the other night. the guitarist was not only amazing, but he seemed to nail the hendrix tone exactly. but not in a "clone" play all the same licks way, he just had that sound and took it to a new place. i was really amazed by him and the whole band.

he got all pissed off about something and stormed off stage at the end of the set though. i don't know what he was unhappy with, but he certainly put on one of the best shows (guitar-wise) that i have seen.

he had an old plexi head with basketweave cab, some sort of tape echo (binson echo-rec maybe) a fender brown reverb tank (looked like a reissue), roger mayer octavia, fuzz face, wah, and what looked like a dyna comp.

one of the loudest and best sounding rigs I've seen in a while...

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i think it's actually the combo of wah and tape delay. to get that sweepy sound.

also maybe some of that reverb tank.

not to mention the line he is playing on the guitar...

he was really able to get that sound live. he was really interactive with his amp, too, a lot of times facing it to get squeals and feedback at precise moments...

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