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Recommend me good intelligent pitch shifters.


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Aloha yall


I've been reading the harmony central forums for about four years now. (I started in late 2001 when I first joined a band) But only registered today.


That whole ordeal about not letting hotmail accounts register on harmony-central. It just took me forever to get around to setting up another dummy account somewhere else.


So anyway though, I was wondering what you guys would recommend for a good intelligent pitch shifter?


I want something capable of doing at least two harmonies and within a reasonable price range. I also don't want something that is rack mount.


I know of the boss HR-2 but I was wondering if there was something that tracked better, and wasn't discontinued.


I know it

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Originally posted by Help!I'maRock!

the only pedal that really does intelligent pitch shifting these days is the BOSS PS-5. think if you crammed an HR-2 and a PS-3 together, and took away half of their functionality. it doesn't do dual pitch shifting either. which is probably why you didn't get any responses.



So there arn't any botique pedal makers that do intelegent pitch shifting eh?

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Aaaah, the PS5. I GASed for it so bad because a friend of mine had one, but when I got it, it totally didn't fit my needs. It does single voice parallel shifting and single voice intelligent shifting well, and also has a detune/chorus function which all the other Boss pitch shifters have. But it doesn't do 2-voice shifting, which is why I got rid of it in a hurry.

But it does have a whammy function, which I never ever use....

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All boutique, all analog, and it apparently tracks like a dream (or not at all, depending on how you tell it to work), the effects section of HC has a review or two of it is as well, also has a drone addition that can be added to it.


Heard rumors the company wasn't going to make it anymore, but all the stuff for them is still up, with contact info, not cheap, but does what you ask.


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Either it's digital and it does intelligent pitch shifting or it's analog and it doesn't.

Originally posted by TaronKeim

All boutique, all analog, and it apparently tracks like a dream (or not at all, depending on how you tell it to work), the effects section of HC has a review or two of it is as well, also has a drone addition that can be added to it.

Heard rumors the company wasn't going to make it anymore, but all the stuff for them is still up, with contact info, not cheap, but does what you ask.



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I read the GT-8 manual and I'm sure it had dual harmonising on it, and you could pan them and delay them.

You'd think someone with a GT-8 would make clips of stuff like that, but instead you get some ZZ top riff showing off a bread and butter od sound. Oh well.

Yeah I read manuals for stuff I don't own, so what, wanna fight about it?

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Originally posted by Jack Luminous

Either it's digital and it does intelligent pitch shifting or it's analog and it doesn't.

Yeah, it does look cool, but I don't think it's intelligent. And it's at Main Drag! That's not too far from me ... I should go give it a spin and report back :)

And Adeamus, sorry, my HR2 is sold :(

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Originally posted by Jack Luminous

Either it's digital and it does intelligent pitch shifting or it's analog and it doesn't.




Anyway, I would second the DHP-33. It's not a pedal, but it and it's older brother, the IPS-33b (make sure you get the "b" on there!!) are about the best intelligent pitch-shifters you can get short of going the Eventide route.

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Originally posted by MrSage


Anyway, I would second the DHP-33. It's not a pedal, but it and it's older brother, the IPS-33b (make sure you get the "b" on there!!) are about the best intelligent pitch-shifters you can get short of going the Eventide route.

Rocktron Intellipitch is excellent too.

Originally posted by IndofunkCity

Yeah, it does look cool, but I don't think it's intelligent. And it's at Main Drag! That's not too far from me ... I should go give it a spin and report back

And Adeamus, sorry, my HR2 is sold

Please do PM me if you test the thing !! It does look very interesting. I have a friend in NYC who has $500 of mine, ready to burn them at anything that fancies my GAS right now and this thing looks really cool. It could mate with my Korg X911 thingamagig very well.

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