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Motivate me


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I'm with you 100%

That's why I've tried to set my studio where the {censored} is completely hooked up and ready to go at all times. I keep the same inputs on the mixer etc. Labeled with masking tape and all. So when I want to record something I just turn {censored} on and start working.

Because I'm the laziest {censored} on earth.

I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm getting closer.

I'm putting guitar hangers on my wall just so I don't have to get them out of the case or anything.

Now THAT'S pathetic. :D

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My special lady friend is leaving town tomorrow, for a week.

I have a whole week to myself, and I bet I don't do {censored}.

Probably eat another plate of processed meat.

Last night I couldn't even motivate myself to waste time playing a video game.


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I actually started something. I've got the drums and a basic guide guitar. I'm just fidling around with some overdubs, which I'll record after dinner. Sounds good in a country type of way. Different from what I usually do. Must be that best of Dolly Parton rubbing off on me.
Thats gonna be my new years resolution.......Try and do some reording every week or so.

Cheers, Justy

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