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Does anyone here have Type A Positive blood?

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Because I was just shaving my crotchal area with a straight razor (really, it's the only way to get it real smooth so it doesn't chafe when I'm pole-dancing) and I think I must've cut my femoral artery. Or else I punctured my junk (I can't tell, as my thigh and my junk are about the same size girth-wise). Does anyone have any blood to spare before I bleed out?

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Originally posted by univox5138

here ya go



When I worked at a hospital throughout school, I'd always have to run to the hospital's blood bank and get the bags of blood if we had a patient who needed a transfusion. I decided that if I ever become a vampire, THAT is where I would work. It's quiet, not too closely guarded, and has a room full of free blood!

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Originally posted by BillyGrahamCracker

When I worked at a hospital throughout school, I'd always have to run to the hospital's blood bank and get the bags of blood if we had a patient who needed a transfusion. I decided that if I ever become a vampire, THAT is where I would work. It's quiet, not too closely guarded, and has a room full of free blood!









btw, change your avatar now. :mad:

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