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Bass EQ pedal on an acoustic or any guitar? (Put this in acoustic forum- no replies)


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On samash.com below their ad for the BOSS BASS EQ PEDAL IT SAYS:


"Since the frequency range extends down to the 50Hz range, the GEB-7 is also great for adding depth and bottom end to acoustic guitars"




1. Has anyone tried this?


2. Has it worked better than a normal guitar eq pedal?


3. If you use this then what the hell would you need a preamp for?


(Since I'm kinda a newbie to amplified acoustics I'll appologize in advance.)

thanks for any responses!

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Well, it's not really "adding" anything but merely boosting freq that are too attenuated to be heard above the more prominent ones. Sometimes you do end up just boosting noise if there is not enough signal @ say, 50Hz, to boost.


But no I haven't tried it. However, it might not work the same as a regular guitar EQ because BOSS only provides treble as high as 10KHz (I am assuming that they will roll off sharply above that).

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oHMAGOD a response!:thu:


Hmmmm interesting, thanks for bringing up that point about extra noise - didn't think about that.......


Probably the best way is gonna have to get the pedals and experiment during the returnable trial periods..



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No difference between the bass EQ and guitar EQ other than the frequency ranges that you can boost or cut. In practice, this means that you can use the EQ to cut some 200Hz to make it a bit less muddy, maybe add some 50Hz to give your acoustic palm-mutes a bit more subwoofer response, etc. You probably won't be able to control brightness/dullness like you would with a guitar EQ though, because the bass EQ won't give you control over those frequencies (6kHz and up).


And no EQ will ever roll off high or low, so you don't have to worry about that.


However don't buy a bass EQ to use with guitar...it's not worthwhile. That's just marketing BS. Go to a store, try out the EQs they have there, and decide if it's worthwhile for you. I really only use EQs when I want a subtle change (i.e. I like the sound but its a bit too boomy, and I can't control that with my acoustic preamp or amp or anything else I have) or when I want to totally mangle the sound (like using a wah set to one position - a wah pedal is basically a parametric EQ where you can sweep the frequency with the footpedal).


As far as the preamp question, an EQ is used to shape tone. A preamp is used to increase the voltage of the signal your guitar sends the amp/PA. Two completely different functions. Without a preamp, your guitar pickup wouldn't be loud enough to be heard. Without an EQ, you won't have an electronic control over tone (but you still can control tone by choosing where on the strings you strum, how hard you fret, what type of pick you use, what type of strings, etc etc etc). Some acoustic preamps include EQ, but they're two seperate functions (both electronically and practically)


Hope that helps

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