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just had a drummer quit on me

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Originally posted by delorean

i can totally relate.

i still play with a guy who is the best rock drummer i've ever played with, but he's such a complete freak
and total {censored}-up of a human being that he's almost utterly unreliable. (typical drummer, right?)

if only he wasn't so amazingly good.


And inspiration for my first blaghaus style thread...

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How can you tell when there's a drummer at the door?
The knocking speeds up.

What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?
A drummer.

How does a drummer make his car go faster?
He takes the Domino's Pizza sign off the roof.


Hi, drummers!

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No one wants to play with me. I just put up another classified ad in the musicians thing on craiglist, probably won't get any responses for it. :(

I've been thinking about going solo, but I can't sing and play at the same time. Well I can't really sing that well anyways, but thats not the point.

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Originally posted by capnbringdown

No one wants to play with me. I just put up another classified ad in the musicians thing on craiglist, probably won't get any responses for it.

I've been thinking about going solo, but I can't sing and play at the same time. Well I can't really sing that well anyways, but thats not the point.

Sure you can, it's just a matter of practice. You have to start out at like half speed when you're learning a song with vocals, so you can see exactly how the vocal part syncopates with the guitar part. Once you get it down at half speed, you'll be amazed at how easy it goes when you bring it up to normal speed. Works like a charm every time.

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