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what else do you play?


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I used to play trumpet and piano, but it has been years since I played either. I still remember how to play trumpet, but have lost the lip muscles to play. The last time I tried, it sounded awful and I could only play for about five minutes. I play drums and can play bass, but don't have a bass. My dad plays saxophone and I have one, but have never learned how to play it. I would love to play bagpipes.

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Originally posted by gethsemane

saxophone and keys.


alto? tenor? soprano? bari?


i used to play alto and switched to tenor and then i switched to guitar.


i'm thinking about getting a soprano to add a pseudo-classical sound to somesongs.

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keys = proficient at piano (meaning strong on music theory, but weak on hand/eye coordination...but above average for a guitarist)...

bass (pretty good. i'm better at writing basslines than playing. actually, i'm better than i give myself credit for. just can't sing and play at same time.)

trumpet (used to be very good. now just very rusty)

autoharp (watch out june carter cash...here i come!)

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Originally posted by BillyGrahamCracker

keys = proficient at piano (meaning strong on music theory, but weak on hand/eye coordination...but above average for a guitarist)...

bass (pretty good. i'm better at writing basslines than playing. actually, i'm better than i give myself credit for. just can't sing and play at same time.)

trumpet (used to be very good. now just very rusty)

autoharp (watch out june carter cash...here i come!)



bass: if you can play guitar, you're good on bass, imo. unless you wanna play like jaco or sumthin.


trumpet: never let yr trumpet go rusty.


autoharp: still not sure i understand that thing.

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I can play electric bass for reals, I played it in several bands. Played contrabass in HS orchestra for a bit but I didn't really put in the time required to tame that beast. I haven't played tuba or baritone for years, but I did play quite a bit from fourth grade through HS, and if you put me in the room with one for an hour or so I'm sure I'd be back in the swing. I guess I play keys and drums for fake, since I've pretty much only done so on my recordings and back in the day when I took piano lessons.

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Just a few.

Bass -- Can't every guitar player do this?

Piano -- Just out of practice. I'm no performance major, but I can fake my way through most things.

Euphonium and Trombone -- Played euphonium until I graduated college. Again, no music performance major, but I can do well. Played in the select band 2 semester when I was able to fit it in my schedule. Trombone: Not majorly since high school and a couple times in college as a fill in for the 2nd jazz band. I ((heart)) jazz band. (boy, that sounded junior high-ish)

Otherwise, I could handle most brass. Just have to learn to read treble clef quicker. The weakness I have is theory - just never got into delving into chords and their progression. I like to be part of an ensemble and find where my voice fits in with the music and where the lines and music takes the group.

Oh, and I sing well. Not a spectacular voice, but I like singing.

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piano, bass and I sing.

I can usually pick up the mechanics of any instrument pretty quickly. If I had some more instruments lying about I would get pretty good at them. When I was around banjos and mandolins a lot I could get to where I could fool folks.

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Originally posted by GuyaGuy

as a person who plays for reals, would you agree that if you play guitar, you can pretty much play bass?



I would agree for the most part but would say someone has to be pretty proficient on guitar to just make a flying leap. If a guitarist picks up a bass and really sucks at it I would question their guitar ability, and not so much their guitar ability specifically but their musical ability overall.


I say question it....not as if they have to pass a test with me or anything LOL!


But there's a lot of people say who play guitar, know the chords, and the songs, but don't necessarily understand the differences that come from being in G minor over G Major once they switch to bass. On guitar of course they know to play a G major, or G minor, whatever the chord is required on the song, but depending on if you're going to expand beyond playing the root note over the chord, that info could be very important to a bassist.


Even a lot of guys who play lead, they just jump immediately to familiar positions or blues boxes. Works in G major or minor. Guitarists will play a pentatonic over damn near anything.


So I'd say you need at least a bit of musical sense about you. Most people here probably have that though.

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I forgot to mention voice. That's sort of become, over the past few years, my main instrument (except for the interlude with being a bassist).

And to address the bass thing. I HATE most bassists. At least I hate the two extremes of bassists: the super-proficient and the just-getting-by. The ones who come at it from a MUSICAL standpoint are the ones I love, whether it's from a guitar standpoint or otherwise. The bass had BETTER add to the song, BOTH rhythmically AND melodically.

My favorite bassist ever was a good friend of mine who I turned into a bassist. He's a concert-class pianist, but one year decided he wanted me to teach him guitar. The next year he decided that he should be in a band with me and picked up bass. He wrote his bass parts like the left hand on his piano and that is STILL the standard to which I write basslines.

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Originally posted by BillyGrahamCracker

I forgot to mention voice. That's sort of become, over the past few years, my main instrument (except for the interlude with being a bassist).

And to address the bass thing. I HATE most bassists. At least I hate the two extremes of bassists: the super-proficient and the just-getting-by. The ones who come at it from a MUSICAL standpoint are the ones I love, whether it's from a guitar standpoint or otherwise. The bass had BETTER add to the song, BOTH rhythmically AND melodically.

My favorite bassist ever was a good friend of mine who I turned into a bassist. He's a concert-class pianist, but one year decided he wanted me to teach him guitar. The next year he decided that he should be in a band with me and picked up bass. He wrote his bass parts like the left hand on his piano and that is STILL the standard to which I write basslines.



I will always maintain that pianists make the best bassists.

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Originally posted by Thelonius

I would agree for the most part but would say someone has to be pretty proficient on guitar to just make a flying leap. If a guitarist picks up a bass and really sucks at it I would question their guitar ability, and not so much their guitar ability specifically but their musical ability overall.

I say question it....not as if they have to pass a test with me or anything LOL!


ah, what the hell. make em pass a test. the only bassist you want in yr band is a muster-passer!

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I'm actually a better drummer than I am a guitarist.

I can sing decently but it's difficult to sing and play drums at the same time and I don't want to give up my drum chair but I feel like strangling the singer sometimes.

I can also play anything that I can hit or shake - so that includes most percussion instruments.

I fancy doing the bass sometimes but I hate the slapping thing.

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Originally posted by keramat8

I'm actually a better drummer than I am a guitarist.

I can sing decently but it's difficult to sing and play drums at the same time and I don't want to give up my drum chair but I feel like strangling the singer sometimes.

I can also play anything that I can hit or shake - so that includes most percussion instruments.

I fancy doing the bass sometimes but I hate the slapping thing.



i'd alwyas been intimidated by drums. i had no idea how to coordinate the feet w/ the hands. seemed impossible. but i play a bit now that i've moved into a loft that has a semi-shared recording studio in it. it has a nice pacific kit and i've found that drum basics are less complicated than i thought.

of course, i wouldn't feel comfortable playing behind some jazz musicians, but...

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I play a little tuba.

I'm actually playing bass more than guitar these days. I think any good guitarist can play bass, but very few of them are decent bassists. I find I've been relying more on my tuba experience than my guitar chops with bass.

When I was in grad school, we had the nation's first bagpipe major there, by the way. He was one of those guys that was so outspokenly annoying and ridiculous that you kind of respected him at the end of the day.

Used to drum some, too, and I'd love to start again, but it gets expensive quickly.

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