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wild atonal effects


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many of these seem like the are overgained beasts... could there be some clarification on pedals such as Effector 13 line and MidFi stuff... the 3ms Atoner was tested via me... so I know that it is way too overgained... at least the forst versions...

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by hangwire

many of these seem like the are overgained beasts... could there be some clarification on pedals such as Effector 13 line and MidFi stuff... the 3ms Atoner was tested via me... so I know that it is way too overgained... at least the forst versions...



When you say "gain" are you worried about a pedal that will push your amps gain into overdrive... or are you saying you want a clean sounding a-tonal device vs. a fuzz/distorted sounding a-tonal device.


... because yes... most of my effects are high gain, both in terms of their fuzz sounds, and in terms of their abilities to push an amp into overdriven territory... but I guarantee you none of them will "musk up the ability to stay in the mix".


... that is, unless you're already pushing your amp to it's distorted limits, but even then, all the E13/midFi gear will still effect your tone in interesting ways.





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Originally posted by Devi Ever

When you say "gain" are you worried about a pedal that will push your amps gain into overdrive... or are you saying you want a clean sounding a-tonal device vs. a fuzz/distorted sounding a-tonal device.

... because yes... most of my effects are high gain, both in terms of their fuzz sounds, and in terms of their abilities to push an amp into overdriven territory... but I guarantee you none of them will "musk up the ability to stay in the mix".

... that is, unless you're already pushing your amp to it's distorted limits, but even then, all the E13/midFi gear will still effect your tone in interesting ways.



looking for more "clean" atonal wild stuff... it is ok to have a fuzz section that can be footswitchable, but I would like clean stuff mainly... anything you offer fit the bill?



I guess if I had the smarts, I would build a pedal that was a green big muff clone, but footswitchable to a ratty gated fuzz, also footswitchable to self oscillate like a zoom ultra fuzz so that guitar pots control pitch like a "flute-ish clean humm sound" and also footswitchable to add an upper octave/ring mod effect... and each of those footswitches would be independant effects that coudl work by themselves of with another effect in the unit...

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by hangwire

looking for more "clean" atonal wild stuff... it is ok to have a fuzz section that can be footswitchable, but I would like clean stuff mainly... anything you offer fit the bill?

I guess if I had the smarts, I would build a pedal that was a green big muff clone, but footswitchable to a ratty gated fuzz, also footswitchable to self oscillate like a zoom ultra fuzz so that guitar pots control pitch like a "flute-ish clean humm sound" and also footswitchable to add an upper octave/ring mod effect... and each of those footswitches would be independant effects that coudl work by themselves of with another effect in the unit...



I'm confused... are you considering a Big Muff to be a "clean" tone then?



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Originally posted by Devi Ever

I'm confused... are you considering a Big Muff to be a "clean" tone then?


no, I have a green muff and have been thinking about cloning it... just adding it in there as I think some gain cicruit would be necessary for the gated and osc-picth volume knob on guitar features...


PM me if you think you could do this... I can loan you my green big muff for the scheme/parts...

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Originally posted by Devi Ever

Either way, based on what you've been saying, it sounds like to me you could really use the Line 6 FM-4.

i have an alesis ineko on my synth and a philtre in my effects chain... so I am covered with those effects. ;)

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I'd say ring modulator and frequency shifter are fantastic for clean atonal effects. Both of those can be found in the Alesis Bitrman. The more wet signal, the more atonal, to the point that the output bears no recognition to the input. Yet they're not really distorted, just boingy and clangy tones.


I have a cheap Alesis multi effect that has a very good ring modulator mode. Sounds like a sine modulator, mix, frequency controls, with expression pedal input. Too bad the whole thing is housed in a awful plastic shell.


Another potential atonal effect is a short delay with multiple hard repeats. The results tend to be kind of fixed frequency resonances, a bit like steel drums.

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with the help from mrmisse, got my hand on the zero g from zebranalogic.


The zero g is something worth checking out if into weird effect with no gain at all. Its almost like a flanger, doubler effect(kinda like a "mono chorus" without the usual chorus chime), short delay, tremolo but not quite. The effected sound seem to be inbetween the above mentioned effect


one of the more interesting setting will make the notes played sound detune as in a tape slowing down gradually and suddenly speed up again


One thing weird bout this pedal(not sure if its a fault thou) is that at certain setting, theres a squealing sound which seem to be in a periodic cycle that can be heard thru the amp even when the effect is in bypass :confused:

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