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I just bought an Alesis Ineko on the BAY


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BIN for $50. Birthday present to myself.


I shouldn't be allowed to have access to my money.


I have to keep telling myself that it's for the sake of audio decadence, which is something I care more about than money.


I have to! :o :o


See posts at bottom for the problem...

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Originally posted by Montag


and money is just money.

and happy birthday, apparently!

Tomorrow, good son. I was born on ye olde Armistice Day.

Thanks! I'm 21 now. We're going to wear suits and be fancy and drink PBR and throw up and jump kick bitches and defenestrate chairs, et al.

Then when I get this machine, a different kind of chaos will occur. Subspace rifts, and so on.

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Originally posted by veil

Tomorrow, good son. I was born on ye olde Armistice Day.

Thanks! I'm 21 now. We're going to wear suits and be fancy and drink PBR and throw up and jump kick bitches and defenestrate chairs, et al.

Then when I get this machine, a different kind of chaos will occur. Subspace rifts, and so on.

what a day to be born:freak:

well, happy early then. if you lived where i live, then 21 would just be another year between 18 and death.:o

be sure to re-enact the scond defenestration of prague for me.

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I'd like to take this moment to discuss some latin terms starting with Et.

Et al -- more properly 'et al.' An abbreviation of et alii. Means 'and others.'

Etcetera -- sometime etc. Most properly, tho unusually, et cetera. Means 'and other unspecified things of the same class.'

Et seq. -- Abbreviation of et sequens. Means 'and the following ones.'

Happy birthday.

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I'm pleased that I pass the delorean and bobby yarrow vocabulary and latin test, albeit with some difficulty. And happy birthday to you too, teeth. :thu:

So, uh...Any Ineko users wanna give me the skinny to prep me for the arrival of what I anticipate to be a beautiful electronic beast of the night?

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Originally posted by veil

I'm pleased that I pass the delorean and bobby yarrow vocabulary and latin test, albeit with some difficulty. And happy birthday to you too, teeth.

So, uh...Any Ineko users wanna give me the skinny to prep me for the arrival of what I anticipate to be a beautiful electronic beast of the night?

right on, veal. yr ok in my book. :)

uhhh ... i don't have any settings, per se -- it's more of a twist-and-turn than a set-and-forget for me ... :freak:

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So it got here today. It is new in box, yet when I have it plugged in, there is a constant loud hiss, crackle and squeeling oscillating noise in the background no matter what I set the input level to, or what effect I switch it to.

Right now I have it like Guitar -> Ineko -> Pod. I tried different cables. I tried plugging into just the Pod to see if it was that. I believe that it's the output jack to the Ineko. What is causing this? How can I fix it? And more importantly, what the {censored}?

edit: the noise is still present when it is in bypass.

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Originally posted by veil

So it got here today. It is new in box, yet when I have it plugged in, there is a constant loud hiss, crackle and squeeling oscillating noise in the background no matter what I set the input level to, or what effect I switch it to.

Right now I have it like Guitar -> Ineko -> Pod. I tried different cables. I tried plugging into just the Pod to see if it was that. I believe that it's the output jack to the Ineko. What is causing this? How can I fix it? And more importantly, what the {censored}?

edit: the noise is still present when it is in bypass.



put it in a loooper -like i did with my philtre... selling in sig...


the input is line, so it has those hissies with guitar signal... but you won't notice it in the looper, or noise gate I guess... looper is the way I went...

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Originally posted by hangwire

put it in a loooper -like i did with my philtre... selling in sig...

the input is line, so it has those hissies with guitar signal... but you won't notice it in the looper, or noise gate I guess... looper is the way I went...



The thing is, it's not regular quiet hiss. It's incredibly loud. It doesn't overpower the guitar level, but it's almost as loud. Regular line hiss is something I'm used to and don't mind. But this is like TV statis hiss with squeals.

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Originally posted by veil

The thing is, it's not regular quiet hiss. It's incredibly loud. It doesn't overpower the guitar level, but it's almost as loud. Regular line hiss is something I'm used to and don't mind. But this is like TV statis hiss with squeals.



if you want to try it in a TB box i can send you one in a week or two

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Originally posted by veil

Awesome! TB as in true bypass? What would it do?



yar, true bypass. hangwire suggested putting it in one up above there. i happen to have a two-loop TB box that i never use.


basically, if you're worriedo about something making noise or sucking your tone or whatever, you put it in a TB loop and leave it on. when the TB loop is engaged, the effect in there is part of your signal, when the loop is off, then the effect is not in your signal.

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