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OT: Hmmm, Oz qualified for the World Cup...


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I know it's OT but at least it doesn't have any feckin Iraq content.



Anyway, if I was a Uruguay player, I'd stay on an extended holiday in Oz...


...I think the peasants back home will be waiting for them at the airport with burning torches.:eek::wave:

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Yay for us!


What'd they say on the news? Second aussie team in 32 years? awesome :D


Yay, the mood is always electric for world cup, even though I'm not a soccer fan myself. Actually it was a few years ago, on the world cup night that I decided to convert to electric guitar from classical.


Teh rawk!

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Great!!!! :D Too bad Viduka missed his penalty... :p


I can't help it but the uruguayans deserved to lose, after some remarks Recoba made ("Uruguay has a divine right to go to the finals....").


After 32 years the "socceroos" needed a dutch coach to qualify for the worldcup finals.... :D It's all good! BTW: Isn't it time to change the team's name into something else? Socceroos => Footyroos?




Humphrey (who used to live in Holland)

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

I know it's OT but at least it doesn't have any feckin Iraq content.


Actually I was disspointed that Iraq won't be there. I thought maybe after the olympics and all. :D



What's great is watching people bust ass on their local teams trying to get nat'l.


Watched the L.A. Team the other day, Donovan's looking good.


Unfortunately World Cup means me waking up at odd times like 4am on a wednesday because my wife's in the living room screaming and hollering. :mad:


why does she think I got her a tivo?! Watch highlights on ESPN tomorrow dammit!



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Originally posted by blaghaus

Did Tim Cahill play?



He did and he had a good game.


Gotta say I was very impressed. So much is owed to having a decent coach. Father and brother were at the game and they said it was crazy, but crazy in a good way. I suspect in Montevideo they will be crazy in a bad way (and rightly so, this will be a low point in Uruguay's footballing history).


Smashing stuff, almost shed a tear when I remembered poor old Jonny Warren when Australia lost ot Iran.


It's been emotional.

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Originally posted by fernmeister

He did and he had a good game.

Gotta say I was very impressed. So much is owed to having a decent coach. Father and brother were at the game and they said it was crazy, but crazy in a good way. I suspect in Montevideo they will be crazy in a bad way (and rightly so, this will be a low point in Uruguay's footballing history).

Smashing stuff, almost shed a tear when I remembered poor old Jonny Warren when Australia lost ot Iran.

It's been emotional.



He was our best player last year, but he's only just getting into form this season. I think he's been overplayed over the last few seasons.

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Originally posted by keramat8

Good on you Aussies! I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who claims to have a divine right.

Actually, I liked that quote...


...you couldn't have put a bigger 'kiss of death' on a team than saying something like that. I'm guessing their team will need some divine protection. These soccer fans are insane.:eek:

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Thanks, Jimbo! Malaysia would hope to emulate Australia some day. :)


For the naysayers amongst our countrymen who've had to endure the ignominous sight of our team lose even to the likes of Laos and the Phillipines (who're more into baseball and basketball) in recent years, it's like waiting for the big durian to fall.


They recall the glory days of the 60's and 70's with misty-eyed fondness mixed with a sense of despair for the current state of affairs. We're a bit better now but not within smelling distance of those glory days of yore.


We used to be competitive with Japan and Korea, often beating them - we had qualified for both the 1972 and 1980 Olympics (though we gave the Moscow Olympics a miss due to the world-wide protest against the USSR's intrusion nto Afghanistan) .For the World Cup it wont be 32 years for us, more like 320 years they say. :D


But who knows, it's a ripe funny ole world. :wave:

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Originally posted by keramat8

Thanks, Jimbo! Malaysia would hope to emulate Australia some day.

Does Malaysia play in the Asian Cup (not sure what its official title is)? Oz will be playing in that next year so you'll get to see them pretty regularly from now on.


The key is if Malaysia can get into a good serious comp like that, which will help produce competitive teams on a world scale. That was always Oz's problem...no one would let us play with them so the team could never get experienced or good as a team.:cry:


May be it's just too hot to play soccer in Malaysia...stick with stick sports Rami.

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

That was always Oz's problem...no one would let us play with them so the team could never get experienced or good as a team.


It was Australia's choice. Soccer Australia was offere rd the Asian route several times over the years and knocked it back in favour of trying to pump up Oceania. Even for this world cup Australia could have qualified through Asia but chose to hope for a full place for Oceania instead of a 1/2 place, believing they could cash in loyalty to Sepp Blatter in the presidential vote.


Getting into Asian qualifying and competing in the Asian Nations Cup will be an enourmous boost to Australia. I'm not sure how many non-football sports fans in Aus realise the difference it will make to the team and their world standing. Who knows, Australia might oen day even get close to the top 25.

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My understanding (going on memory) was that this last World Cup qualification couldn't be made through the Asian group, and that's why Oz wanted a full place for Oceania.


Either way, I have to admit that I've not been big on soccer purely because I can't stand the regular Hollywood diving that goes on in games, and often wins games, and also the fans are easily the worst for any code.


The behaviour of this last round of qualifiers all round the world has been pretty sad, and typical alas.

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Originally posted by El Puppetto

Yay for us!

What'd they say on the news? Second aussie team in 32 years? awesome

Yay, the mood is always electric for world cup, even though I'm not a soccer fan myself. Actually it was a few years ago, on the world cup night that I decided to convert to electric guitar from classical.

Teh rawk!

Yes! BUT, you still lost the rugby on Saturday!

Harry Kewell? Waster!

Seriously though, thank God! There will be good looking women in the crowds now!


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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

My understanding (going on memory) was that this last World Cup qualification couldn't be made through the Asian group, and that's why Oz wanted a full place for Oceania.

Either way, I have to admit that I've not been big on soccer purely because I can't stand the regular Hollywood diving that goes on in games, and often wins games, and also the fans are easily the worst for any code.

The behaviour of this last round of qualifiers all round the world has been pretty sad, and typical alas.



I think I know what you're talking about. I'm trying to be a pacifist on a daily basis, but I was ready to declare war on Turkey yesterday. See location if you're wondering why. One player was hospitalised, one staff member and two other players were injured during a brawl after the match, which was originated by turkish security and turkish players.


What a bunch of horrible losers the turks were yesterday.


Yes we're going to the WC and yes we were lucky yesterday but ovrall I think we were the better team, and earned the spot.

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Originally posted by RNM

I think I know what you're talking about. I'm trying to be a pacifist on a daily basis, but I was ready to declare war on Turkey yesterday. See location if you're wondering why. One player was hospitalised, one staff member and two other players were injured during a brawl after the match, which was originated by turkish security and turkish players.

What a bunch of horrible losers the turks were yesterday.

Yes we're going to the WC and yes we were lucky yesterday but ovrall I think we were the better team, and earned the spot.



I really think that Turkey should be banned and for a substantial amount of time, not just on this instance but on several others. Their "fans" are absolutely appalling.


What annoys me, is that if it was involving England all we'd hear about is English holliganism....

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Originally posted by mrblackbat

I really think that Turkey should be banned and for a substantial amount of time, not just on this instance but on several others. Their "fans" are absolutely appalling.

What annoys me, is that if it was involving England all we'd hear about is English holliganism....


Yes, it would the fault of the english hooligans having provoked the turkish, or something a long the lines.


The swiss team was running for the wardrobe right away. And some of the turkish players were clearly going after them, their goaltender Volkan comes to mind. It wasn't even the fans, it was the security and the turkish team and apparently even their coach starting the violence.


But the happiness about what we've accomplished is bigger than the frustration about what happened after the match. Germany here we come! :D

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During the Oz/Uruguay game, the Uruguay coach threw a ball at one of our players on the field, and regularly abused officials from the side line. Why wasn't he banished to the stands????:confused:


Just before the game the Uruguay players abused the Oz players in Spanish so it meant nothing, but one of them actually started a fight with an Oz player in the tunnel just before running out. Apparently this was all part of their strategy to out psych our team and fulfil their devine right to play in the World Cup. I'm not saying the Oz players were perfect either, but this {censored}e is really pathetic.:rolleyes::freak::bor:


Why the officals don't absolutely clamp down on this type of BS is beyond me...it seems almost encouraged.:mad:

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Originally posted by mrblackbat

I really think that Turkey should be banned and for a substantial amount of time, not just on this instance but on several others. Their "fans" are absolutely appalling.

What annoys me, is that if it was involving England all we'd hear about is English holliganism....

It seems to me that any trouble in Turkey is automatically overlooked.

Always been a major hot spud.....United in Turkey...years ago. Lights turned off before the game so they couldn't warm up etc etc etc.

They always get away with it! If it had been an English team!

Well....you know.

{censored}ers! Ban them!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

During the Oz/Uruguay game, the Uruguay coach threw a ball at one of our players on the field, and regularly abused officials from the side line. Why wasn't he banished to the stands????

Just before the game the Uruguay players abused the Oz players in Spanish so it meant nothing, but one of them actually started a fight with an Oz player in the tunnel just before running out. Apparently this was all part of their strategy to out psych our team and fulfil their devine right to play in the World Cup. I'm not saying the Oz players were perfect either, but this {censored}e is really pathetic.

Why the officals don't absolutely clamp down on this type of BS is beyond me...it seems almost encouraged.


that stuff has been going on for years in south america. not that i condone it.

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