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What's the story on Agiles?


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Did all the old Electric Guitar forum threads expire? There's a ton of info on them over there.

Basically they're a "house brand" for Rondo Music. Rondo is just a small store near me in Jersey that started selling they're own brand of guitars. They got great reviews here for quality, price and service and it really helped a mom and pop (or actually more of a father and son) shop actually prosper in the face of Guitar Center.

The guitars themselves are made in Korea and pretty good quality. I'd put them a notch above Squier and probably in with a MIM (for the record I own a MIM, a Squier and two Agiles as well as a few SX models that Rondo also sells).

The pickups are hit or miss. I still have the stock 'buckers in my LP2000 (with the original LP-exact body style), but others changed them right away. The P-90s in my gold-top copy (with the stubby horn) are even better.

There's a comparison chart somewhere on the Rondo site (www.rondomusic.net) which describes all the current models

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agiles are nice.

you know the difference between good korean epiphones and not so good ones? how they're both mass-produced but the good 'uns are good BECAUSE they are mass-produced? well, that's the way agiles are. at half the price. or less. and that's the truth.

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They started becoming popular right after I dropped 450 on a Melody Maker RI and slapped a Duncan Custom in it. I could have had a really nice LP copy for less money, had I known.

However, I don't care, because the MM rocks, plays as good as any real Les Paul I've played, is different and almost no one uses them. So there.

I might just have to go get a P90 model, just to do something with that stock MM pickup, though. You know, waste not, want not :D.

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