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OT: Racism in Sydney, Australia

Sweet Lou

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Just like all reasonable Aussies disassociate the 'men of middle-eastern appearance' who (apparantly? - no disrespect intended, but I wasn't entirely sure it had been confirmed) attacked the lifeguards last week from the general Middle Eastern community, I hope people will disassociate these drunken yobos from general Australian culture. Of course I'm not so niave as to deny there's racism in Australian culture, but I also doubt anyone here would step forward and claim that their culture doesn't display racist tendencies of any kind. I'm not trying to find a loop-hole to somehow downplay what happened, it was disgusting, but at the same time I don't recall Lou posting a thread denouncing the race riots in Paris a few weeks ago.

I'm ashamed yes, but I'm not about to write the whole country off based on this one incident.

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

I will personally go out and buy 1000 lottery tickets if the media in any form actually 'report' on an issue rather than incite or subvert it for their own purposes.


FWIW, I grew and lived 23 years of my life in the "shire" and spent most of spare time on Cronulla's beaches. My parents only moved out last year and I still have friends there.

The underlying "tensions" around this are not new, and have been in the area since the 60s. The stuff people are saying could have been lifted, verbatim from things I heard as a teenager (and things my brother heard a decade before), just sub out dago or wog for lebo. I'm waiting to read a newsreport that goes into that in some serious depth.

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Originally posted by fernmeister

I'm waiting to read a newsreport that goes into that in some serious depth.



Don't hold your breath waiting fern. I doubt that will happen. When the story is run out, it will just be "old news".


I understand that people that live in the shire are somewhat protective and proud of where they live. I would be able to fairly safely wager that most of the protagonists were "ring ins".

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Talk about showing the wrong {censored} in the news!

They just showed this guy who got stabbed by a Leb, he still had the knife in his back... and wait for it ... he was laughing

...with the {censored}ing knife still in his back!

That sort of stuff shouldn't be shown, seriously - theres way to many ways to interperate it. Ok it wasn't very clear, but you could easily make out the knife.

Bad bad stuff.

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Do you think this will be a turning point for the lebanese and the australians? In terms of racial tolerance?

The kids who go to school, who mix around. The youth who pass by each other at the mall/street/club and start sizing each other up?

A small riot, like say, a crowd of 50 or so, might be dismissed. But this, i fear this may really make things worse for the tensions that already exist between the two 'factions'.

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Originally posted by thebazaar

melbournes racism is overly violent, although sydney has been a hotbed of it in recent years.

i guess it is the one downside of multiculturalism, not unlike alcohol,that not everything mixes friendly at the end of the night.

we had it at our school, a skip vs wog thing. being 50/50 myself, i almost felt obliged to beat the {censored} out of myself....but then it never came to fruition. just a lot of chest beating.



me too im 4 part myself, spanish english pourtogeese (sp?) and italian, so i got alot of the "wog" {censored} at school, i came from england so i got "pom" as well.

in england people tend to fight on the spot but in australia you get "your dead mate... later on in the week sometime when my mates are here..."

their is a strange rasiam in new zealand, different to australia and england, unspoken silent scarry strange icccy

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Originally posted by bluesmann

well , what do you expect? all the terrorism is done by who? Muslims right? need i say more? i think its going to get worse before it gets better. You want holy war? you got it!

Oklahoma City-- clearly the work of Muslims. I mean, McVey? I don't think you'll find a more Muslim last name.

And the IRA? That's just a red herring. They're clearly from Saudi Arabia. The UVF is from Yemen. That's why they hate each other so freakin' much!

And what's this about the Basques blowing up bombs in Spain last week? Clearly the work of Osama Bin Ladin.

All muslim terrorists, am I right?


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Originally posted by Fourth Floor

And just for showing off, here's me looking like a stalker with Muse backstage at Flaming Lips at that BDO...

where is the green with envy smiley...

I love Muse. most favourite band.

if tix are still available in a few weeks, ill buy some, if not, im not fussed.

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Originally posted by TimCz

not to be racist - But really - australia is definately trying to hard to please every culture, when in my opinion, those who come here should try to adapt to our culture as it is what is expected of us whenever we go somewhere else...

just my 2c.



2 late mate, clearly racist.

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

Really Fern, you know way better than to buy in this media driven BS. It has been intentionally inciteful, and it has taken advantage of this incitement to sell copy and raise ratings at what are normally quieter rating times of the year.

It's easy to generalise about a culture/country from a few news snippets, but what does that make the reader/viewer? Ignorant, fearful and judgemental comes to mind. Anyone who automatically buys into any tv news stories in this day and age as being anywhere near the holistic truth gets the self righteous torment coming to them.

It's like this terrorist BS in Indonesia and the hanging in Singapore...labelling countries as backward or individuals from a particular country as terrorists is a typical knee jerk reaction of the fearful, who are sorely in need of a good look at themselves, preferably with the rose coloured glasses off.

FWIW I think the term "racism" is bogus, it's really about people's fear and ignorance that's at issue, and that's a general pervading issue of humanity if you haven't noticed.

As for anyone telling you that no 'racism' (ie fear and ignorance) exists in Oz or anywhere else for that matter...who has ever said that to you? I'll expect very clear examples given how ridiculous and thus memorable that comment is. I've never heard anyone say that in my life, even people who pretend to not to be xenopobic I've met haven't pretended that.

I find it very revealing the people who tend to jump on these stories and help to blow them up as though they're somehow superior morally. [where's the vomit smiley when you need it?


I don't know if I'd be comparing the hanging in Singapore with whats happening now. Thats a moral issue, nothing to do with racism, fear, or ignorance.

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Originally posted by dinrodef

When there are more middle easterners living in Australia than Australians... Will it still be Australia?

Just a question for all you good TV raised ultra-tolerant multicultists?? Can you answer it without spewing a cliche?


All people living in Australia are Australians,

I am, you are, we are Australians...


Australians are mostly immigrants of one sort or another, except aboriginals, as they are from the country known as Australia.

My family came from England in the 70`s.

My family live in Australia, England, Guiana, Canada and New Zealand. Are we Australians?

My son was born in Carlton, he is Australian.

As stated in above threads, Australia has always had tons of people from Lebanon, Italia, Yugoslavia, Iran, Malaysia and countless other countries.

if you want England in the 50`s go rent a time machine.

Re-read forthfloors post about cultural identity, I had to read it a few times but it makes perfect sence

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Things that people around the world & other parts of Australia need to know before making judgment

This is not Trageted towards
South Pacific...etc
Its about Arabs Gangs Taking over the City !

Its not that they have been treated badly , the problem is that have been let do do as they please because of fear of racisism
for over a decade & now they cant be policed.

Unlike many other cultures . Instead of chastising a Muslum youth for for example picking on Elderly People
A muslim father, older brother & ever popular cousin will join in & help , this is how they think !

How do i know ?
I grew up live in the middle of all this

I have been traveling around the world since 1988 & havent seen many places like it is here in Sydney.
All the silly movies about Australia dont show the Australia I know

This has being in the wings for years.
What people who dont live in Sydney dont know is, the Lebs have almost taken over most of Sydney.

You cant even go into many clubs in Sydney without having trouble with a bunch of Lebs/Arabs..
These guys almost always hang out in large groups

You go Shopping or to the Beach, caffee's there everywhere .

Not minding there own Buisness but looking to fight or pick on guys or girls in smaller groups.

Many schools , shopping malls etc are NOT Permitted to celebrate
Christmas because the Muslims Will & DO stop it

Many White kids are afraid to go to school because they get picked on , bashed because ther not Muslim
& there are others who change there religion to fit in

For some reason over the last 10 or so years they have been left to do as they please, Drug running & all forms of crime cant be stopped , The police wont even enter some suburbs.

Basically running many suburbs & Bashing people of all cultures.
They are running through suburbs smashing shops , cars ,bashing elderly people they have No shame !!

Unlike the USA & other countries I is not isolated in small pockets
its spreading everywhere.
And it is good to see People ,sure of White English background standing up & giving some back.

But there are MANY people like myself who are First Generation Australian (European) that have had enough too.
Actually all my friends are from not English speaking backgrounds
its not just Anglo Aussies .

Why do the Aussies get made out to look like the Bad Guys

Enough is enough

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the land is called Australia. those who inhabit it are, by right and law, Australians.

What IS Australian....personally i dont care. the national interest agenda is set by party policy platforms of the Government.

for me, being Australian means i live here and am considered a citizen.

identity is individual. the world belongs to no-one.

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Originally posted by dinrodef

When there are more middle easterners living in Australia than Australians... Will it still be Australia?

Just a question for all you good TV raised ultra-tolerant multicultists?? Can you answer it without spewing a cliche?



I've never been a multicultist. I haven't joined a single one.

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Originally posted by Mickaroony

I don't know if I'd be comparing the hanging in Singapore with whats happening now. Thats a moral issue, nothing to do with racism, fear, or ignorance.

I wasn't comparing the actual issues. I was comparing the irrational responses to them whereby people use these media bites as another opportunity to project their own self loathing onto other people/cultures.

I'd say it's very comparable to the current issue. And once again, the media plays the sides against each other to sell copy...because it works.

I'm just waiting for Ray Martin to rear his huge, ugly head and pretend to take the moral high ground.

...and why is Sweet Lou bringing this up given his clearly stated phobic/ignorant views of Australia? I doubt he's ever lived here so he wouldn't know what he's talking about. He's just a distant spectator using this news story to further justify his hypocritical, ignorant, fearful views of "white convict" derived Australians. Don't bother pretending you give a {censored} Sweet Lou.

Wanker of the month award.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Octaver

.... !

Its not that they have been treated badly , the problem is that have been let do do as they please because of fear of racisism

for over a decade & now they cant be policed.




If that's true, that's certainly a big problem. Doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, the cops should treat you the same way, no better or worse.


I have to say this, too. IF there is a problem with gangs, the Aussies need to crack down on it. The more you let it go, the worse things get.


Anyone know if there are any leaders in the Arab leaders in these neighborhood trying to address any legitimate grips the Lebanese have? And trying to persuade the gangs that violence isn't the answer?


-- Joe

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Originally posted by joegrant413

If that's true, that's certainly a big problem. Doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, the cops should treat you the same way, no better or worse.

I have to say this, too. IF there is a problem with gangs, the Aussies need to crack down on it. The more you let it go, the worse things get.

Anyone know if there are any leaders in the Arab leaders in these neighborhood trying to address any legitimate grips the Lebanese have? And trying to persuade the gangs that violence isn't the answer?

-- Joe



Yeah, there are apparently groups and leaders trying to bring them into line but these appear to be fairly organised gangs (on both sides).


The cops have been moved AWAY from this area over the past few years, or so I've been reading.

I agree the cops should crack down hard on all of them.

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Originally posted by dinrodef

When there are more middle easterners living in Australia than Australians... Will it still be Australia?



Some things never change. If Australia was anything like parts of Canada and the US there was a time in the 19th and early 20th Centuries when many people asked the same thing about Catholics. All sorts of people were paranoid those horrible Catholics and their pechant for breeding would soon overwhelm the good Protestant citizens of Canada and the US and leave them at the mercy of Papism.

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This has been a topic of discussion for many years .

Many people have given up & say its too late we have lost Sydney
may as well leave & go live else where , some of my friends have !

The gangs are going to be very very hard to police.
If you see them there more like a large crowd than a gang , some flock in the hundreds plus.
Attacking anyone , many white girls have been raped.
this is very common !

Like I said earlier , there all over the place from one side of town to 50-80 km the other side & everywhere in between .
Many people dont even want to go out anymore
I feel sorry for them !

There basically over taking suburbs & well
*many people especially family guys dont have large group of friends so they just keep out of there way*

It has been a walk over for many years , so now people are saying "We have had enough " & are taking back there streets

Is that so bad ??.....not if you live in the middle of it & see it every day.

Dont beleave the Media they have NO IDEA

LOL I have two Helicopters flying around my Block as im writing this :wave:

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

...and why is Sweet Lou bringing this up given his clearly stated phobic/ignorant views of Australia? I doubt he's ever lived here so he wouldn't know what he's talking about. He's just a distant spectator using this news story to further justify his hypocritical, ignorant, fearful views of "white convict" derived Australians. Don't bother pretending you give a {censored} Sweet Lou.

Wanker of the month award.

+1 on that. I wonder if people reading this thread are aware of what a racist Lou is.

Exhibit A: Here are some snipets of a private message sent to me by Sweet Lou in a previous OT thread.

"{censored} YOU. {censored} YOUR DOG. {censored} YOUR FAMILY, AND {censored} YOUR LAW TOO.



{censored} YOU.


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