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I need a good ring mod for my board.


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After 6 months or so of running my guitar straight into my amp with only a Lovepedal Magicvibe in the fx loop, I am designing a new board with a nice mix of pedals that will be set up with a loooper.


You people will be the death of my checkbook.



I have one song that ends in a freaky wash of noise & squall on the new album I am recording. I used the ring mod in the Boss ME-50 on the album (combined with some other effects), but I want a high quality stand alone ring mod for my board.

It will be used to recreate the song live, and maybe for the intro on one other new song. Since it will get used on only 1-2 songs a night (at most), I am not really into buying a $265 Moog ring mod, but is there anything else out there that will do the job well?


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theyre all too big. The only one that is reasonably sized is the frantone and its {censored}ing 400.00. The ehx is my favorite sounding one, its definitly the cleanest sounding. I think you should go with the EHX but be prepared to use an adaptor and have a huge pedal for one little part. You could always get somthing like a hyper fuzz and let it be your fuzz and ring mod for that part. Any two notes above the 12th fret sound really ring moddish.

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Originally posted by jeverist

You might want to check out the Ibanez PM-7, which does a basic ring modulation sound as well as other phase modulation effects.

There's some good clips on the Ibanez page.


These have a tendency to introduce a bit of unwanted noise when placed in the pregain position. :freak:

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