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Anyone have an Ebay Store???


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Originally posted by LongJohnny

I am thinking of setting up an Ebay store, but was wondering if it is more expensive than posting individual items for sale on Ebay auctions, etc. Do you get the same amount of sales, also?





It is much cheaper but you don't get as much traffic to your item as you do with an auction ad.


Ebay has some fairly clear but still somewhat cryptic info under this link




It costs a helluva lot after the sale as they take a larger % of your sale price.

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Thanks guys,

I kind of thought that was the deal with the stores. I am getting totally eaten up by Ebay fees to the tune of $1000 month, and I am using them for advertising a lot also. I can link my website to the auction for "information purposes", and still get some traffic on my website.

Anyone know of a way to get my website to show up in more internet searches? I couldnt get it to come up for anything on some searches.


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Originally posted by LongJohnny

Thanks guys,

I kind of thought that was the deal with the stores. I am getting totally eaten up by Ebay fees to the tune of $1000 month, and I am using them for advertising a lot also. I can link my website to the auction for "information purposes", and still get some traffic on my website.

Anyone know of a way to get my website to show up in more internet searches? I couldnt get it to come up for anything on some searches.




I know a little about search engine optimization (SEO). I'm by no means an expert, though.


First things to check:

- are you using meta tags in your pages? Use them, and make sure you populate them with only a few keywords, and that you don't repeat keywords


- the titles and top paragraphs on your pages weigh much more heavily in indexing than other things. Make sure your page titles and first paragraphs have a good mix of keywords in them. Don't overdo it though - or you'll get knocked down on searches (they assume you're SEO spamming)


- use href links on your keywords (presumably, to other pages of your site). href links, bold, and emphasis tags help search engines "get" what you're focused on


- if your pages are dynamically created (from a database), it might be good to create static "entry" pages that google, msn, etc can find


- make sure you have a robots.txt file in the root of your domain to tell robots that you WANT them to index your site


- use the google sitemap feature. Build a sitemap for your site, and submit it to google sitemaps - this will encourage the googlebot to come index you more often and more accurately


- get as many links to your site on other popular sites as possible. Finding your site linked in other places moves you up the search index very quickly. Be careful though - a link on a site considered spammy can move you *down* the list.


- be patient after you do these things, cause it can take weeks and months for them to effect your results.


If you want to talk about it in more detail, you can email me.



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That's pretty interesting, Uncle Dig...the stuff that goes on behind the curtain.

Anyways....I though about an Ebay store a while ago, but I really didn't see any benifit in it when I researched it.

I hate Ebay and avoid it like the plague to sell things...especially since I have a "merchant" website now. But eBay, IMO is the best advertising bang for the buck there is. I'll list on ebay every few months, but only use "featured" listings. I dont' really care if I sell anything. It's all about how many webhits I get that originated from ebay. My # of hits usually doubles or triples when I have several featured listings.

This is only affective(for me) every once in a while though.

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