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Matamp Minimat Sound Sample


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Got my Minimat this morning, its rather nice I must say. Thought I would record a little clip. Heres the link:




One thing that really surprised me about this amp is that its not really a plug in and go kinda thing, you really have to tweak the controls. I suppose this all adds to the versatility factor though... I recorded the clip using a SM58 going into a terratec soundcard, I dicked about a little bit afterwards in Cubase just to add a touch of reverb and delay, nothing major though. The guitar was a Carvin and I used a Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde pedal. The first snippit is the amp on its own, the second is the TS808 side of the pedal and the third is the distortion side. I know the third clip sounds a bit weird, I was trying to nail a Kyuss tone, the guitar wasn't detuned even though its sounds like it. Errrr.... think thats about it! Oh, the cab was a Peavey 4x12, dunno what speakers its got in it.

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Originally posted by onewhiteduck

Sounds great. Did you get it from Junior's Music?


Nah, I live in the UK so it just got it straight from the factory. The people who run Matamp seem very cool, I had like an hour conversation with the manager dude about Matamps history, other amp builders and all that good stuff :thu:

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Originally posted by Pwn3d

can someone please upload this clip somewhere else?


Yeah, that site is as confusing as {censored} to get to the part where you actually listen to the clip free. They are trying to make it hard so people will sign up to listen.


Thanks for the clip. It sounds great.


I wanna hear a clip of the internal boost. It seems most people don't really dig the tone. I wanna hear myself.

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very nice, sounds better then i expected! i want one :thu: got some more clips?


it seems like a great amp! im going to a university next year, it seems like a great amp to use when i get a room somewhere... :)


very nice recording too, do you have any other nice amps or pedals (we always want clips!) :)



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Its a great amp, it can go all the way from dark and doomy to bright and crunchy.I either go straight in or with a D*A*M meathead deluxe.My Maxon od820 sounds great with it too.

Its a good "blank canvas" amp cos it really brings out what you plug into it.

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