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Most Simplistic Looper for 100% Looping Newb

Bassin' 'Round

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Love the idea of a looper, but don't even know which end is up when it comes to them.


What is the VERY easiest one w/the shortest learning curve?


Maybe the Boomerang +? When will the 'Rang 2 be out, any info?


How about the EHX 16-Second Delay? (they're supposed to soon have a new model that eliminates the 4-count problem, I think)?


Any opinions welcomed. Thanks.

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I think either the DL-4 or the Akai Headrush are the simplest loopers out there. The DL-4 also does a lot of other stuff, but its loop function is simple and all you will need for laying down a looping rhythm track and even overdubbing. The Boss DD-20 or RC-20 will both do it as well, but I didn't really like the RC-20 at all when I had one.

The boomerang is good but much more expensive for what it does, plus it is a pretty large pedal. If you were to go that route you might as well wait for the upcoming Boss RC-50.

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I think hands down the easiest is the one they put in the digitech delay petal. You push down to start, hold til the end, release. HUGE DOWNFALL..........its only like a 4 or 8 second loop. If they were to implament that simplicity into a 25+ sec looper i'd be all over it. I didn't like the dl4 too much, and the boss one even less. what can i say im a simple man.

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I'm thinking the EHX 16 might get a lot more love now that they fixed the 4 beat click. You can get one for the same or a little less than the RC20XL or Jam Man. It has modulation, reverse, pitch or tempo shifting, True Bypass, and up to 4 minutes of delay time.


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Originally posted by BmoreTele

I'm thinking the EHX 16 might get a lot more love now that they fixed the 4 beat click. You can get one for the same or a little less than the RC20XL or Jam Man. It has modulation, reverse, pitch or tempo shifting, True Bypass, and up to 4 minutes of delay time.


Hmm, that's a good point. iualum, what do you plan to use the looper for? Just record a phrase and repeat it, and layer over it, or do you want to make some serious glitchy noise and general wierdness with it? In the first case, I stand by the DL4 (or the lofi). But if you want to get nutty with it, the new 16 sec (the NEW one, see my 16 sec mod thread edit: just realized you've seen the thread ... and posted there :o) is just as simple to use as the DL4 (ok, a *touch* more complicated) but it can get wierd and wacky and wild with just a little tweak of a slider.

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I like the DD-20 looping, but when I'm in a looping mood, it's just not enough time
and I'd like some more functionality like the boomerang has
even though it's big, I like the handless operation

most importantly, I'd like to be able to sample 12 bar blues accompaniment - the DD-20 forces that to be a bit of a faster tempo than I'd really ever want

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Originally posted by IndofunkCity
Hmm, that's a good point. iualum, what do you plan to use the looper for? Just record a phrase and repeat it, and layer over it, or do you want to make some serious glitchy noise and general wierdness with it? In the first case, I stand by the DL4 (or the lofi). But if you want to get nutty with it, the new 16 sec (the NEW one, see my 16 sec mod thread
edit: just realized you've seen the thread ... and posted there
) is just as simple to use as the DL4 (ok, a *touch* more complicated) but it can get wierd and wacky and wild with just a little tweak of a slider.

Gotta say that the "16"(WITH the new mod) is EXACTLY what I think is the way for me to go. The video is excellent. And, yes, the fact that it has some whacko potential is nothing but a plus in my book. And can be used as a delay, too. Lastly, & always a nice selling point, it is relatively reasonably priced. There's a site that I've stumbled across that does some pretty nice dealing on EHX stuff. Probably gonna have to take the leap on this bad boy.

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Originally posted by IndofunkCity

Hmm, that's a good point. iualum, what do you plan to use the looper for? Just record a phrase and repeat it, and layer over it, or do you want to make some serious glitchy noise and general wierdness with it? In the first case, I stand by the DL4 (or the lofi). But if you want to get nutty with it, the new 16 sec (the NEW one, see my 16 sec mod thread
edit: just realized you've seen the thread ... and posted there
) is just as simple to use as the DL4 (ok, a *touch* more complicated) but it can get wierd and wacky and wild with just a little tweak of a slider.

if someone is looking for a simple repeating looper, then it's better to get a DL4 of LoFi right?

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