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Pedal Picks & So Forth

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This month's pedal pick is Dave Fox's Captain Coconut 2. I have a photo posted on my site but I am still finishing the review. For those of you who frequent my pedal pick of the month page - please save it in your favorites as I will no longer be posting the links or pedal picks here. Personal choice.


I will be expanding my gear review page to include amps, guitars and other gear related toys of mass destruction in the New Year and will covering alot more indepth interaction between certain effects pedals and amp/guitar setups.


It's time for me to move my contributions to a higher level for me personally - and to make more time creating music and less time here. It's been a hell of a ride - thanks for all the info, trades, buying and selling frenzys and the friendships I have forged here that I will keep as long as I am breathing.


The Rockets are gearing up to start our 2006 Tour and this also translates to less time here. It's been one hell of a year - both good and bad - and I need to return fully and wholly to the business of making music. It's what I do. It's who I am and music is like oxygen for me. You guys keep on rockin in the free world.


Peace. Out.


Rev :wave:

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Originally posted by Robbert




Have you seen this stickied Pro Reveiw crap?

I am wrong in assuming that because of these Pro Reviews, Rev no longer wishes to participate?

Everything I loved about this forum is disappearing day by day.

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Originally posted by Jakeowen

Have you seen this stickied Pro Reveiw crap?

Everything I loved about this forum is disappearing day by day.



I don't see a problem there. It was all cleared so I don't understand why the Rev is pushed out in any way, but maybe thats me.,

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They cleared up the fact the Phil isn't building amps for money, They did not discuss furthur whether the Revs reviews should be considered a "Pro Reveiw", and stickied.

and c'mon, lets look at the whole picture,
all of a sudden we have this Sticky reveiw on the top of the page, putting the name of whatever product rght in our faces,
and then the Rev decides he's not gonna post his reviews here anymore?

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Originally posted by Robbert

I don't see a problem there. It was all cleared so I don't understand why the Rev is pushed out in any way, but maybe thats me.,

Okay - just responding to some emails here guys - I am not being pushed out by anyone. This is a personal choice - nothing more - nothing less. I've made no secret that I don't like the changes here - HC will survive just fine. When it's no longer fun for me to come here - why the heck would I. That's all. Rock on and again - thanks for everything!!!!!


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Rev- Have a great tour! If you're going to be playing NYC, please let me know.

Originally posted by mrbluetone

I'll be checking your gear slut page often!

+1 I showed the Rev's page to my wife. Her response - "Geoff, maybe you need more stuff!"

All the best, Rev. Keep on Keepin' on.

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