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what's a hotlink?


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Hotlinking is the placing of a linked object, often an image, from one site in a page belonging to a second site. The second site is said to have an inline link to the one where the object is located. It is used for such activities as linking images from personal home page storage into the online diary of the person controlling the personal home page.


This has sometimes been controversial because it is possible that the site where the object is stored and from which it is retrieved will not like the new placement or will consider it to be bandwidth theft. This term refers to the unauthorized use of someone else's bandwidth. Inline linking to an image stored on another site increases the bandwidth use of that site, even though their site is not being viewed in its intended form. Since bandwidth is a commodity, unauthorized use can increase the maintenance costs of the website hosting the image, hence the term bandwidth theft.

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Isn't the purpose of putting an image on the web to have people look at it? Stealing bandwidth...what a laugh


If webmasters can't afford to have 20 guys from HC looking at their images... well then they are not going to be in business for very long

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Originally posted by dinrodef

Isn't the purpose of putting an image on the web to have people look at it? Stealing bandwidth...what a laugh

If webmasters can't afford to have 20 guys from HC looking at their images... well then they are not going to be in business for very long


Haha, you surely have to do more research mate.


I posted about 15 pictures of 100K. Within a month my traffic raised to 800MB, while normaly it's just a few meg.


Posting pictures here seriously has an impact on someone's bandwidth :D

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It's a direct link.


like: doing the image code thing around www.com/image.jpg instead of downloading the image and hosting it yourself or uploading it as an attachment.


It's stealing bandwith from other people and quite fun. There's also been people telling you not to do it. But no one gives a {censored} because we here are the internet outlaws. With a whammy bar in one hand and a brok'n guitar string in the other, these are the deadliest weapons known to man.

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Originally posted by capnbringdown

It's a direct link.

like: doing the image code thing around
instead of downloading the image and hosting it yourself or uploading it as an attachment.

It's stealing bandwith from other people and quite fun. There's also been people telling you not to do it. But no one gives a {censored} because we here are the internet outlaws. With a whammy bar in one hand and a brok'n guitar string in the other, these are the deadliest weapons known to man.


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It's possible to see in stats where visitors are coming from.


It's also possible to prevent hotlinking by using the information from these stats. So when your coming from outside the website, you could get another picture to see. Which are in some cases really nasty pictures, or as some picture hosts do just an error message.

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