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Are My Pedals A Mess?


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Originally posted by aeonrevolution



I was like this in my rebellious youth, but then it was like pulling teeth for my mom to get me to clean my room.


In my anal retentive old age I demand that everything fall into place perfectly, including my giuitar rig. It's a sad existence now.:(


I wish I could throw caution to the wind.

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Originally posted by Chris Nuccio

Looks like he's using george l's.



I run all George L .155 cable and unplated brass ends (my preference) The DC Brick power supply handles the dirt boxes, and it sits atop a Voodoo Labs PP2+ which handles the modulations and wah. Everything but the Cusack Screamer Fuzz (1st in the chain) HBE Power Screamer (middle of the board) and DOD Bi Fet preamp (left bottom) are run thru the Loooper strips so there's virtually no noise. The ISP Decimator at the end is there just in case.

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Sadly i fall into the yes they are messy side of the fence, i like all my pedals set in a specific order A before B Before C etc... i just think it looks neater and i then know where everything is automatically and dont need to look down during a song/passage/riff/whatever...


But then again my pedals arnt on a pedalboard at the moment, waiting for pay day till i get a pedal board and some more pedals. That should be next week or so. Then my rig will be neat and tidy!!!

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