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OD pedal for Vintage Fender

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So... what's the perfect dirt box these days for a vintage Silverface Fender?


On a whim, I snatched a 73 Super Reverb and wondering what box to pair with it? I have a Rat, Bad Monkey and Lovepedal Woody... as well as some boosters... but is there a consensus on what works really well for getting some good grind without massive volumes?

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RAT and all the other boxes you mentioned are a great starting point. I find the SCOD great for crunchy chords, and a RAT or a TS type is cool for leads. Keep meaning to try out that Bionix pedal as that sems to have several options.

What pedal didya get?

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Originally posted by Ivor The Engine Driver

So... what's the perfect dirt box these days for a vintage Silverface Fender?

On a whim, I snatched a 73 Super Reverb and wondering what box to pair with it? I have a Rat, Bad Monkey and Lovepedal Woody... as well as some boosters... but is there a consensus on what works really well for getting some good grind without massive volumes?



I have a Klon Centaur, ZIM, Death Rattle and a Barber LTD. I use them with my Marshall TSL-122. I'm sure that any one of these pedals would work fine with you Fender amp.

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I did some rehersals the past two weeks using a 68 super..I had never really used the boss bd2 in my rig so I tried it with the super..Not bad at all..I was running the super on 3-4 with a HSS strat guitar..Also I know a STOCK sd-1 is sweet into a super.the lack of lowend actually helps the super when boosted..The only FD2 I have is an old one,and yes it works fine too,but not much better that the sd-1 .you can take an sd-1 and bd2 and get the same results..

Have fun...Keith

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thanks! I shoud clarify - -I already have the Rat, Bad Monkey and Woody on hand... the Woody really works well... Made my SG sound like it was on fire (in a good way). I have the "pocket version" though -- no on/off swithc and no LED - it's on all the time, but when it's in the loop there's a lot of gain on tap. Still, fun to use the guitar's volume controls to regulate it. Wish I had my Tele at home with me - would have been nice to see how it cleans up. thanks for the suggestions. I think I saw someone is selling an analogman modded sd-1 on the spam thread... that might be a fun one to try.

Hey elctmist: A quick question... any idea what Lloyd is using for his solo tone on "Elevation"? I've read they were both using Supers almost exclusively back then (although in the studio it might have been different). there's a sort of synth warble to it that makes for a very kewl tone.

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You have cheap pedals and will therfore have a cheap sound. Not cheap as in thrifty. But cheap as in {censored}ty. I recommend the follwing:

Klon Centaur
Menatone Kar Krash
and the 2 in 1 Cornish pedal

The fact you got an older Fender rather then a Fargen or bad Cat means you still will sound cheap even if you take my advice and get 2K worth of od. :o

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i play a 67 twin reverb, and have had the best overdrive results the following ways:

-menatone tbiac (old version)

-klon centaur paired with a treble booster.

the tbiac really gave the twin a unique sparkly crunch; very very sgt. peppers type sound.

the klon/treble booster combo gives the twin a nice woody sounding overdrive that doesnt compress at all. i recommend this set-up.

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Originally posted by Ivor The Engine Driver

Hey elctmist: A quick question... any idea what Lloyd is using for his solo tone on "Elevation"? I've read they were both using Supers almost exclusively back then (although in the studio it might have been different). there's a sort of synth warble to it that makes for a very kewl tone.



Double-tracked strat probably into a Super. They may have used tube echoplexes purely for pre-amping.

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Coolness. My Rat is modded slightly in the Keeley vein - and it is a rock and roll pedal for sure. I may have to pick up an SD-1 from GC or somewhere for cheap, just to see how they get it on. The Vox is staying for now -- I actually played them in stereo a little bit (you're right Skip!) and then AB'ed them for a little while. Definitely a different tone - but you know what? They both sounded like "me" -- just goes to show you, no matter the gear, the tone will sound like "you."

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Originally posted by vanguard

i play a 67 twin reverb, and have had the best overdrive results the following ways:

-menatone tbiac (old version)

-klon centaur paired with a treble booster.

the tbiac really gave the twin a unique sparkly crunch; very very sgt. peppers type sound.

the klon/treble booster combo gives the twin a nice woody sounding overdrive that doesnt compress at all. i recommend this set-up.



What type of treble booster do you use with your Klon?

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