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Do I want a Jacques tubeblower?!?!


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I have my peavey classic 50 set to a little break up on my lead channel (think driven AC30). I want to use a pedal to add more gain (ie. a third channel to the amp). The Jacques tubeblower seems to have a lot more gain on tap than other pedals but its pretty pricey right now. Is it worth it or should i go with something more cost effective like the Bad Monkey. Help a poor college kid out.

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Originally posted by Redfox777

I have my peavey classic 50 set to a little break up on my lead channel (think driven AC30). I want to use a pedal to add more gain (ie. a third channel to the amp). The Jacques tubeblower seems to have a lot more gain on tap than other pedals but its pretty pricey right now. Is it worth it or should i go with something more cost effective like the Bad Monkey. Help a poor college kid out.


to me, the tube blower sounds like a buzzy transistor pedal, save yer money, i gotta bad monkey, and about 50 other boxes and crap!:mad:

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the classics (and tube amps in general) only need a bump in input level to get more gain/crunch, so the amount of available gain in the box shouldnt have to be really be a consideration.

for years, i found a banged up '80's Rat, with the drive set to 9am and the level to 3pm, was a great way to give a nice helping of crunch to an already breaking up Classic. not a clean boost, but mostly just making the signal bigger, not a whole lot dirtier. when it gets to the amp though, crunch crunch crunch.

however, i was able to get same/similar flavors with plenty of other od's, never having to use too much of the pedal's flavor (as determined largely by the level of the pedal's drive knob). it served quite well as an extra 'channel,' so to speak.

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