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arctic monkeys SNL


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I just saw them on SNL

I had heard some clips and didn't think too much of it

then I heard the "Beatles" thing

so I really wanted to see the SNL performance



must be nice to be young, talented, and rich

but I don't see why the Beatles were ever mentioned

I liked them well enough - but it didn't seem that radically different from Ferdinand or Strokes, etc.

I do like those kinds of bands though b/c I like the raw garage band thing

if it keeps the youngsters buying guitars rather than drum machines or turntables I'm pleased


overall good stuff

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I dont know if they are rich yet. Nobody had heard of them pre October 2005 (there's bound to be people who did :rolleyes: ). The first album has just been released and I've only heard the two singles.


WHat separates them from the rest IMHO is the very clever lyrics. They might however be too English to translate. We'll see.

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yeah I thought they may not be loaded just yet, but I just assumed they're not going to be pumping gas anytime soon


the album sales thing is impressive

but I always look at that kind of thing w/ a bit of a skeptical eye

the market is just so much bigger now

like when garth brookes out sold the beatles - I was just though there was so many more people out there to buy

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Originally posted by gr8fuldodd

I just saw them on SNL

I had heard some clips and didn't think too much of it

then I heard the "Beatles" thing

so I really wanted to see the SNL performance


must be nice to be young, talented, and rich

but I don't see why the Beatles were ever mentioned

I liked them well enough - but it didn't seem that radically different from Ferdinand or Strokes, etc.

I do like those kinds of bands though b/c I like the raw garage band thing

if it keeps the youngsters buying guitars rather than drum machines or turntables I'm pleased

overall good stuff



That had to be one of the worst performances I have ever seen on SNL. I really liked when the singer called the guy out in the crowd for yawning...............2 thumbs down

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

No offense but If bands like them get signed and booked to play SNL, then Something is wrong with the Music biz. That was the most annoying excuse for music that I have ever listened to...




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Just because a band gets popular doesn't mean they are rich. The music industry is notoriously cheap. Hasn't anyone seen the behind the music specials on any of the hair bands? They all live with their mothers now. This queer indie garbage is just as temporary, even more so.

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Originally posted by CurtisM

The guitarist was playing a beautiful, double bound red telecaster. At the end of the second song he threw it against his amp


He's so hard core. Arctic Monkeys talk a lot of {censored} in their "clever lyrics." In fact, if you've listened to their albums, it seems that all of their lyrics are calling out posers, people who don't dance, preppies, and just about everyone. Because these guys are obviously cooler than all the aforementioned groups of people. :freak:

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Originally posted by Caulk Rocket

The movie industry is going down right now, music will be next.


The music industry is down. They blame file sharing, but if this the best they have to offer I hope they do go broke. This was rubbish. I heard the hype on these guys, and I have never seen a more undeserving band. I could find this {censored} in any trailer park garage jam. Nothing clever or new. Just a big bag of dog crap!

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Originally posted by MoreGuitars

The music industry is down. They blame file sharing, but if this the best they have to offer I hope they do go broke. This was rubbish. I heard the hype on these guys, and I have never seen a more undeserving band. I could find this {censored} in any trailer park garage jam. Nothing clever or new. Just a big bag of dog crap!



Exactly. I don't care if the industry does go down. You can always play shows and sell merchandise too, you can't bootleg or download that experience. They're greedy, they don't sign good bands and if they do they try to {censored} them over. I think they all deserve it. File sharing just gouges into the profits of already overpriced cd's anyways.


There are no risks being taken. The most formulaic, lowest common denominator {censored} is being pushed right now because they want to maximize profits.

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Originally posted by CurtisM

The guitarist was playing a beautiful, double bound red telecaster. At the end of the second song he threw it against his amp

I thought the same thing. I cringe when any instrument is smashed to pieces or mistreated (there are kids out there that can't afford a guitar who would love to have the instrument if you're just going to trash it), but that was a sweet looking tele.


They sucked. It's not like they had just performed some epic song requiring a destruction of the stage. No, they played a boring song where the lead singer walked back and forth and tried to "rock out" by pushing up against the bassist and other guitarist. And they sucked. The music was loose and not in a sylistic way, and the performance seemed very sterile and forced.


This coming from a guy who enjoys "queer indie" music.

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Originally posted by Caulk Rocket

Did anyone else notice the fat bassist standing there staring at his shoes the whole time?

I was mesmerized by his huge-ass jacket. Fat dudes are prerequisites for these bands...probably acts as the band whipping boy or something.

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Originally posted by oversight

I was mesmerized by his huge-ass jacket. Fat dudes are prerequisites for these bands...probably acts as the band whipping boy or something.



I think lifeless musicians stink, that's what bothered me, and fat dudes are actually alright. Most rock musicians need a {censored}ing cheeseburger, they all look like heroin addicts.

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I'm really pissed off by the whole Arctic Monkeys thing. They are so average, and the way people talk about them over here, so hyped.


However, it worries me about myself that I hear bands like that and immediately think "oh they're just ripping off Blur badly". But that means I'm old, if I think that new bands sound {censored} compared to bands I used to like when I was younger. :(


They are though. Blur without the tunes.


And The Streets without the beats.


Thumbs down.


Oh and it would be the best thing for music, if the industry imploded... :evil:

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well, strange..but I've never heard of them till this thread. I missed SNL last night. So I checked their website out. Yup totaly average IMHO. The music sounds like stuff I played when I was 19! Bad guitar playing. The lyrics I think are a bit different but that will only go so far. Why bother? So much better music out there to listen to. If you do kinda like this type of music...please do yourself a favor and go buy some late 60 KINKS! Like Village Green Preservation Society, Arthur or Somthing Else. Those IMHO are the classic brit rock LPs.


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Sheesh, I wouldn't say they did so bad. Live to the Nation. Most of us here might have frozen up. Who knows. I was actually rather taken back with the lyrics and guitar playing, they have their own twist which is a little refreshing to me. Give 'em time, Radiohead's first album is almost a completely different band (too me) than the stuff that came after. I thought the part when he pointed the man out for yawning was really funny in a sarcastic and self-deprecating kind of way. Plus, we need more bands instead of the Singer/R'n'B (if you can label it that) wailing crapola.

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Whenever I can hear the accent in British music I can't help but get annoyed at the "tinging"(talking/singing) aspect. I mean think about it, the Beatles were from Liverpool and you can't hear an accent when they sing. This is because proper singing causes one to properly pronounce the words just by the very nature of it. I am really tired of all the "tinging" in todays music. Hey Im only 25 and I feel this way. It has nothing to do with age.

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