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Digitech Jamman Question......?????


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When recording a chord progression to loop with the Digitech Jamman, is it purely upto you the guitarist to get the "start" & "stop" points of the recording spot on so that the loop is seamless.....?


.....or does it have the same feature as the Boss RC-20 XL "Auto-Quantize" to knit the loop perfectly.....just that this could be the selling point for me to go Boss instead of Digitech.


I have an old Zoom unit which will do 32 second loops and apart from the sound being low quality getting the loops to blend nicely takes so many attempts........


Any help would be great.....



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this actually took me a bit to figure out myself, but what you have to do is

Press the Rec/Play/Overdub button to start recording

and then once your done

Press the same, Rec/Play/Overdub button.

this will do the "seamless transition"

if you end your recording by pressing the stop/tempo, then, unless you were actually using the tempo given, your recordings will not loop correctly.

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