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Tech 21 American Woman

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Originally posted by Jaymeister

.but Randy Bachman is a great underrated clasic rock guitarist with Jazz roots



You got that right.


I know what you're sayin' about the pedal, which is why I'm now gonna wait to see what the Double Drive 3X is all about.

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I just bough the AW pedal this week. Yep, the pedal sounds just like the clips. Bear in mind that guy on the clip is doing a lot of cool harmonics. I think it's pretty reasonably priced compared to the "boutique" pedals.


In addition it does the traditional overdrive & clean boost very nicely, nice and trasparent. I like the noise gate, I can crank the hell out of it and it's dead quiet until I hit the first note. I have a bunch of Tech 21 gear, Comptorion, XXL, Doubledrive, Trademark 10, original Sansamp. All quality stuff!

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Originally posted by papa taco

I'm holding out for the Tech 21 Jewish-American Princess.



that's too funny! speakin' of jap's, have you ever SEEN the receptionist at tech21??? OHMIFUKKINGAWD!!! she is one MAJOR fukkin' SPUNK!!! OUCH!!!



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All things considered I get some pretty cool sounds with an American Woman plugged into my Tone King Meteor II. It works for me. The Meteor II has some really good tones in it without the use of any external effects units. But the American Woman is a nice contrast to the tones I usually get out of the Tone King.

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Originally posted by ice house

it sucks ass! really! don't buy one, you will flip it and lose

coin trust me.


Mine doesn't suck ass. And I don't really plan on flipping it. Though at the price I got it for I probably would at least break even. But that thing has some sounds in it that like. And I have some pretty good taste.

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Originally posted by amanonfire

just get a herzog and call it a day.




"Gar and I developed this unit together back in '65-'66. Growing up playing violin, I loved the sustain, especially of a viola or cello. So early on in mid '60's, I found out that by plugging a small amplifier into a bigger amplifier, I could get this sound. Now I was taking the power out (which normally would go to the speaker) and plug it into the input of another amp. The result, for a few short minutes was a cool, great new, sustained sound. Gar Gillies had a tv/radio repair shop, was a cool musician, and I wasn't embarrassed to take in my amps, which were literally burned by the power misuse, fried, to say the least. Gar asked what the heck I was doing, and when I told him, he said, you're insane to do this, its very dangerous. So he offered to help me do it a safer and less destructive way. So Gar proceeded to build me a tube pre-amp, which when put into another amp, got me the desired sound. But not really, the sound was a little weird in a Fender amp which was all that was around, so Gar decided to get parts from Heathkit and build an amplifier to go with the unit. We were looking for a name, and at the time I was reading a book with HERZOG written across the cover. Hence the name, so we could stop referring to the unit as the "noise thing". I used to go to his shop on Osborne Ave late at night after gigs, and stay till the wee hours of the morning, making the most incredible Moose and Ox bellowing sounds, distortion/blotto screeching sounds that would make us laugh. But once it was smoothed out, it was smooth. So that became my lead guitar solo sound. It was first featured on The Guess Who CBC weekly show, Let's Go and Music Hop in 1967-68 but really came to the forefront as the "sound" of "No Time", "American Woman" and many other sounds on the Guess Who albums, "Wheatfield Soul", "Canned Wheat", and "American Woman". I continued using it later on "Brave Belt I and II", and the on Bachman Turner Overdrive albums.

That's about the story. There is still no unit that sounds like it today. One that comes close is the SansAmp rackmount which has an actual setting called "American Woman". It's close.

John Johnson of Johnson Amps, Digitech and DOD, pedals and amps, told me that as a kid, he tried to make his own pedal to get the "American Woman" guitar sound and couldn't get it. However, the pedals he did make in trying to get that sound have gone on to sell hundreds of thousands for Digitech and DOD, but none got the American Woman sound.


Randy Bachman"









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When Randy was 9 years old, his parents took him to a dinner theater where Les Paul & Mary Ford were playing.

He was standing near the kitchen when Les came out with his guitar, and asked him to hold it while he used the bathroom. That was when he decided he wanted to be a guitar player.

True story.

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