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For those currently in the US... anyone boycotting tomorrow?

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well everyone needs to calm down about this issue first of all. people get so overheated about it that the topics get muddled and definitions blurred.

but let me point out that the protesters themselves are blurring definitions. this "day without immigrants" is in protest of the pending immigration law which deals with illegal aliens. apparently they're against the law even though it grants amnesty to illegals--even if the promoters of the law don't phrase it that way.

well, personally if i were a legal immigrant i'd find be against the law not for the reasons most are--because it tightens the border--but because it's too lenient on illegals. imagine spending all that time, effort, and money on becoming an american or at least a resident legitimately only to see millions of illegal aliens become eligible for the same privilege you worked for so hard for. indeed some are becoming eligible for MORE privileges! if i'm a resident foreigner who's been here a year and you are an illegal who's been here 10 then suddenly under this new law you have more rights and privileges than i do. fair? nope.

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Originally posted by GuyaGuy

imagine spending all that time, effort, and money on becoming an american or at least a resident legitimately only to see millions of illegal aliens become eligible for the same privilege you worked for so hard for. indeed some are becoming eligible for MORE privileges! if i'm a resident foreigner who's been here a year and you are an illegal who's been here 10 then suddenly under this new law you have more rights and privileges than i do. fair? nope.




I've heard and I imagine that many legal immigrants feel this way.


As liberal as I am, I actually have some conservative notions about the border issue. Living in San Diego, I'm kinda standing at the front line. I'm fairly curious what will go on tomorrow.


I'm not advocating the boycott. I don't mind if illegal aliens protest, but I'm not sure what the point is if any and all immigrants boycott. That kind of skews the argument that the boycott is supposed to be making

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It boggles my mind that illegal aliens are protesting because they are not handed American citizenship on a silver platter, while those that were/are aliens who have gone strictly by the laws of this country and are trying hard to rightlfully gain citizenship are not granted any favors.

If you are illegal, that says it all. There is no way around having broken our laws, which you have done if you are illegally in this country.

Go home and apply for U.S. citizenship the lawful, correct way. No other country allows this, but our politicians don't follow what the people that voted them into office want. It's time to vote new politicians into office and kick these {censored}heads out that don't listen to the people that voted them in! :evil::mad:

As far as the illegal aliens trying to make us think that we "need" them here, forget it. We got along without you before all this bull{censored} started and we can easily do it again! If you are illegally here, get the {censored} out of here and stop taking taxpayers' money for services you don't have a right too unless you are a legal citizen!:mad:

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Originally posted by C-4

As far as the illegal aliens trying to make us think that we "need" them here, forget it. We got along without you before all this bull{censored} started and we can easily do it again! If you are illegally here, get the {censored} out of here and stop taking taxpayers' money for services you don't have a right too unless you are a legal citizen!


I'm going to buy a co-worker lunch at a restaurant to make up for at least one illegal staying home.

Do you part! ;)

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I see that the "new black panthers" will be protesting on Duke University's campus

and we're having this immigration protest

it's like the sixties man!
but w/ none of the bonus great music/drug scene

maybe I should at least get high tomorrow

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well I don't know about you, but I could barely get out of bed today without an immigrant there to help me

after my a.m. bm, I wondered... who's gonna wipe my ass?

so, without the aid of an immigrant, I stayed in bed, soiling myself

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