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OT: tv shows with distinct musical "tags"

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I love listening to soundtracks. Watching some shows on tv recently, I was struck by how often a riff on a single instrument is used as a signiture "tag" either leading to or coming back from commercials. Here are the first few that come to mind:


The trombone "divebomb" on Lost seems to mean "wake up dummy, something weird(er) happed.":eek:


The two note tick-tock on 24. (synth?) "will this day never end?":bor:


That annoying synth "slap" bass on Seinfeld, "wacky wacky wacky!":rolleyes:


can y'all think of any others?

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Congrats everyone for failing to answer the original question. :)

When I think of musical tags, I think of superman's trumpets.

Da-da da DAHHHH Da Da Da Da Da DA DA!!!

Or is it da da da DAAAAHHH da da Dum Dum da DA DA DA DAAAAHHHH

They dont lead to commercials, of course, unless you count these.


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Originally posted by fatbackribs

I love listening to soundtracks. Watching some shows on tv recently, I was struck by how often a riff on a single instrument is used as a signiture "tag" either leading to or coming back from commercials. Here are the first few that come to mind:

The trombone "divebomb" on Lost seems to mean "wake up dummy, something weird(er) happed.":eek:

The two note tick-tock on 24. (synth?) "will this day never end?":bor:

That annoying synth "slap" bass on Seinfeld, "wacky wacky wacky!":rolleyes:

can y'all think of any others?



some that come to mind:


classic: A Current Affair ( that big whoosh with a low synth note)


Electric Company - hey you guys!!!


classic batman - that quick horn crescendo


the first measure piano riff on Cheers


The O'Reilly Factor - the audio tag that approximates hope and truth dying quickly...can't put my finger on it.

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Cartoons had some great tags. Guitar Player had an article back in a about 84 about a dude who did the sound tags for many cartoons. He played a Fender Strat with a Floyd and a synth pickup into a huge rack and guitar sythn. He just got to sit around all day and {censored} around with effects, making trippy sounds.

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for tags coming back from and going to commecerials i think of yes dear. A guitar plays a cool little ditty and it has a really nice tone too. For soundtracks, even though not many people like this show i don't think, I love the music on smallville. Maybe alot of people don't like the show but it has some really cool music.

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Originally posted by Arjae

Law & Order anyone?

I have friends that were really into Law & Order, so much so that they re-named it b/c of the musical tag...

"Did you see last nights GUNK GUNK?"

"Yeah GUNK GUNK was pretty enthralling but the recent episodes pale in comparison to the previous seasons of GUNK GUNK." :confused:

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"Two and a Half Men": Charlie Sheen gets caught with the hoobastank and in chimes the chorus "M-m-m-e-n-n-n." Already a legend.

Then there was the Sinatra-esque, trombone-tag of "Crazy Train" on "The Osbournes."

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