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Flanger question...


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Picked up a Line 6 Pod XT Live yesterday and have been fooling around with the "Jet Flange" effects setting.


Dumb question: What kind of settings should be used to get the Van Halen "Unchained" or "Cradle Will Rock" kind of "whoosh" sounds?


So far I get warbling and some subtle chorus like sounds... any help appreciated. The controls available are speed, depth, mix, feedback and manual (much like the MXR I think).


Thanks for any insight!

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try speed low and depth high. resonance.. well set to taste.. i'd say around half +/-. any other parameters?

EDIT: just overflow the first post.. ;)

so for mix.. hm.. try ~ 70-80%.. should be like a blend knob. if oyu max that one you will have only the flanger sound. with a little of the original it is not so heavy sounding imo.

feedback.. well. see it that way. if you strum a chord it regulates if it just flanges shortly or until the chord rang out. i'd say something about 30-50% should be enough because if this one is too high it can get too loud.. (can!)

manual.. =resonance

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Originally posted by pretaanluxis

The Pod XT Live flanger doesn't have much depth imo




Got it dialed in...


Interestingly the "Jet" flanger doesn't do the jet plane whoosh much at all, but the "Expo Flanger" in the FX Junkie pack does it nicely! I tried one or two others that didn't do it as well either.

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