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Hey downloading the new Thom Yorke... it has leaked.

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The title track is my favorite thus far. Great song.

The more you try to erase me
The more the more
The more that I appear
The more the more.
The more I try to erase you
The more the more
The more that you appear

I still can't figure out what he says after "Because you want something..."

Help me out.

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I like Black Swan so far.

"cause this is {censored}ed up, {censored}ed up"

"I don't care what the future holds, but I'm here and I'm today"

"This is your blind spot, blind spot"

"It should be obvious, obvious but it's not"

"You can not kick start, you just crush yourself and walk away"

"because you are {censored}ed up, {censored}ed up"

"you are {censored}ed up, {censored}ed up"

"this is {censored}ed up, {censored}ed up"

good stuff!

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