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pre or post compression?


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id say both, but for pre, depends on how you want guitars to sound. btw i ran a comp after a dirt pedal for one guitar tack (only one) and got the sounds on this

you can hear the suck of the comp as the dirt kicks on. thats only one guitar, btw. open tunings..

post, i always like a bit of comp, just cause my signals fluxuate too much

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I'd say it really depends on your style. If you're in a funk band, and want a real tight clean sound, you'd want to use compression pre. Or maybe you need more sustain for that big metal solo, then you'd use compression pre...

So, if you're using compression as an 'effect' to get a certain sound out of your amp, then by all means use it pre-recording. Otherwise, you're better off leaving compression to post.

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