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I hate being unemployed.


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Spare time is all well and good but I left university in June and have debts up to my ears! My parents are keeping me afloat but that just makes me feel guilty cos they're not doing so good themselves.

Curse my lack of extra curricular activities when in education :( My CV is as bare as Old Mother Hubbard

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Originally posted by percyexpat
Spare time is all well and good but I left university in June and have debts up to my ears! My parents are keeping me afloat but that just makes me feel guilty cos they're not doing so good themselves.

Curse my lack of extra curricular activities when in education :( My CV is as bare as Old Mother Hubbard
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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Lie. Say you were student council president in High School, leader of the Young Businessmen's organization, etc etc. Inflate your GPA, whatever. Very few employers check that crap. You could probably give yourself a Masters even though you only have a BA and they wouldn't notice the difference.

Yeah, a friend of mine gave me the same advice earlier. I may do that. Honesty doesn't pay! I'm too honest for my own good. Although not enough to tell someone in an interview that they're an ignorant, pen pushing idiot, obviously! :p I do hate all the corpo-speak you have to bend over to though. "I'm a team player" etc etc. And when asked "why do you want this job" you're not allowed to just say "I need the money". Why else would I want to work in Poundstretchers for craps sake?

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Originally posted by onbongos

one time i got asked my salary requirements and i said 'uhh... as much as possible', but i didn't get the job



I get the impression that they only want to employ people called Brad who studied Business and Marketing (which isn't a real course, it just teaches you the language that doesn't actually mean anything but makes you sound like you know what you're talking about) and list under their interests: Watching sports, playing sports, socialising, making money.


Bitter?? Me?? Never.

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Originally posted by percyexpat

Yeah, a friend of mine gave me the same advice earlier. I may do that. Honesty doesn't pay! I'm too honest for my own good. Although not enough to tell someone in an interview that they're an ignorant, pen pushing idiot, obviously!
I do hate all the corpo-speak you have to bend over to though. "I'm a team player" etc etc. And when asked "why do you want this job" you're not allowed to just say "I need the money". Why else would I want to work in Poundstretchers for craps sake?

Yeah, you have to kiss ass to get the job, but that just shows them that you're willing to fill the mold when needed. Once you get comfortable you don't always have to be so "Office Space," although you can never really escape all of the bull{censored}.

As for stating salary requirements, just give them a reasonable figure thats maybe a little more than you think you should get paid for the job and hope for the best.

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Lie. Say you were student council president in High School, leader of the Young Businessmen's organization, etc etc. Inflate your GPA, whatever. Very few employers check that crap. You could probably give yourself a Masters even though you only have a BA and they wouldn't notice the difference.



I know a guy who actually did that (i.e. told a company he had a MA and only had a BA).


They never checked it out. He still has the job. He is doing very well.


Risky business though.

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Originally posted by goldie-gold

I know a guy who actually did that (i.e. told a company he had a MA and only had a BA).

They never checked it out. He still has the job. He is doing very well.

Risky business though.



Is it illegal to lie on your resume?

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Is it illegal to lie on your resume?



No, but you have to maintain the lie, and it could come back to you and bite you later on. Plus it could open you up to at minimum, a dismissal and at the worst, civil or even criminal liability, depending on the circumstances.


For example, you lie and state that you have the training and are certified to perform a certain job when you are not. You screw up and cost the company or customers money or cause injury or death to someone. Plus the company could face liability for hiring you and not performing the necessary background checks.

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Originally posted by percyexpat

Yeah, a friend of mine gave me the same advice earlier. I may do that. Honesty doesn't pay! I'm too honest for my own good. Although not enough to tell someone in an interview that they're an ignorant, pen pushing idiot, obviously!
I do hate all the corpo-speak you have to bend over to though. "I'm a team player" etc etc. And when asked "why do you want this job" you're not allowed to just say "I need the money". Why else would I want to work in Poundstretchers for craps sake?


I know, I always say something really stupid if they ask me why I want the job. I've told people before that I liked their nice air conditioned office. Ask me a stupid question and get a stupid answer.

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Originally posted by Vince

What was your degree in?



T'was International Relations. Loved doing it but most employers don't even know what it means.



Originally posted by phishmarisol


I know, I always say something really stupid if they ask me why I want the job. I've told people before that I liked their nice air conditioned office. Ask me a stupid question and get a stupid answer.



hehe, I should have tried that!

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Originally posted by Jaymeister

No, but you have to maintain the lie, and it could come back to you and bite you later on. Plus it could open you up to at minimum, a dismissal and at the worst, civil or even criminal liability, depending on the circumstances.

For example, you lie and state that you have the training and are certified to perform a certain job when you are not. You screw up and cost the company or customers money or cause injury or death to someone. Plus the company could face liability for hiring you and not performing the necessary background checks.



Hmm, well I certainly wouldn't say I was certified in something related to life or death situations on a resume. I was more refering to making up bull{censored} credentials that employers seem to drool over when checking out resumes.


Hmmm, these two individuals have a similar degree, GPA, are both average white guys, but this one was highly involved in student government (lie), organized the school bake sale (lie) and served as an administrative assistant to the vice principal for 2 straight years (lie), I think we should hire him.

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Humm, the only type lying I ever did was about periods of employment. Long periods of unemployment are often questioned, so sometimes I am self employed doing contract work or I may put that I worked somewhere a couple of months longer than I actually did . Oh and occasionally why I left a job...reality my boss was a complete ASS, said reason, I found a better opportunity.

Positive spin on BS works well, and tell the interviewer what they want to here, not what you really think. If you turn out not liking the job, use it as a stepping stone to your next one. Most often it is easier to get a job if you already have one, the only exception I have seen was after the dot com bomb, alot IT shops would hire recently unemployed persons first.

Sometimes you just have to eat your pride and take less money or a lesser postition.

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problem is, a lot of that extra spare time is spent looking for a job.
or, put differently, looking for a job is a full-time job.

percyexpat, you can try "padding." not really lying, just making things look better. if you have no real work experience, you can put down "freelance ________." for example, i did german-english translations once in a while for friends, exhibits, etc. i was hardly ever paid but i sometimes put that down as "freelance translation" if it applies to the job.

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Originally posted by GuyaGuy

problem is, a lot of that extra spare time is spent looking for a job.

or, put differently, looking for a job is a full-time job.

percyexpat, you can try "padding." not really lying, just making things look better. if you have no real work experience, you can put down "freelance ________." for example, i did german-english translations once in a while for friends, exhibits, etc. i was hardly ever paid but i sometimes put that down as "freelance translation" if it applies to the job.

Hehe yeah this is more what I was talking about. Freelance stuff can = mowing the yard for your parents when you were 16. :D

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Originally posted by GuyaGuy


only that's "landscaping" or "property maintenance."



Yeah, but thats too obvious. I drove my sister to and from work on summer in high school, and the attorney she worked for paid for my gas, so I was instantly transformed into a Legal Transportation Specialist.

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