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Recommend a mid-range eq/channel strip?


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Does anyone know a nice analog eq which could sit between my synth outs and my sound card inputs to adjust/sweeten the sound a bit?


Preferably something with one or more parametric (or semi-para.) mids, plus high, low shelving... more options = good. Ideally similar capabilities to Ableton Live's EQ-4.


Also I'm interested if there are models which would work in stereo (modifying each side the same).


Mic pre's are not necessary (so maybe 'channel strip' is the wrong term). Compression would be cool; depending on the price/value ratio.


My price range is $300-700 US (unless that's a joke and I must go higher).


Recommendations? Is this even a good idea?

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TL Audio EQ2 sounds great. its not the most precise, and clean eq in the world, but it got mojo in spades. its a tube design. you can find one used rround or under a grand. later u might wanna try stuffing it with some better tubes than its factory ones, for even better performance (like NOS Mullard etc).


it has DI /Hi Z oinputs as well, stereo. so its ideal for stuffing your synth jacks in it..


there arent that many great options in this price range, as far as pre/good eq combos. you could try AMEK 9098 also. i dont dig the pre that much but for instruments its nice, and eq is great. it sounds kinda neve-ish.





btw a question like this will most likely be better answered at a recording forum like GearSlutz, or prorec. many great posts there dealing with production, and recording of synths, pre /eq specifics .. bordering obsession.


over here we just deal with the synth looks, number of little lights n knobs, in hope that some nice babe will fall for it, when she visits the studio.. :freak::D

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I love my Focusrite Penta to death.

everything I record goes thru it.


Its a compressor, not an EQ, but has a certain sound to it. I love the comp-presets to check out diff. comp settings quickly and painlessly and to modify them with the ingenious more/less knobs.


I haven't been able to replace this unit with software.


check ebay, these units are pretty cheap... surprisingly...




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yep, i remembered, there's two more (affordable) ones i forgot. mono tho.


one is Joe Meek VC-1q and TL Audio 5051. the former has great comp with 60s glue sound. really bring up character. and eq is very broad-stroke, colourful. also has an enhancer circuit that works well on some material. dbl duty on guitars, bass.


5051 has eq section from EQ2, but a nice rather transparent (for a tube device) compressor. hard to get it to pump. pre, again, is crap. i used both deviced stirctly with Instrument In. worked real nice with rhodes direct.


both can be found on eBay for 300 - 400. want stereo? get two..

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i've not used TL's EQs at all, however their Ivory series quad mic pre left me . . . let's just say that i got rid of it. there was definitely more to it than the factory choice of t00bs, too. but i'd give the TL stuff a chance, their stuff is definitely afordable for what it is. the build quality is top notch.


as far as parametric EQs go, i'm one of the minority of fellows that likes to use really weird and cheap EQs that i find on ebay. i got a pair of Tascam EQs from the mid 80s (don't remember the model number off hand, i believe it's the EQ section from one of their M-50 consoles) that i like quite a bit. They were maybe 50 dollars for both. They EQ things, they hum a bit, and they sound like ass sometimes.


audio arts also has some interesting EQs, they're not expensive either. Inexpensive parametric EQs are one of those things that you can't really find new anymore, but it's fun to try to find old ones and see how they sound. They're like stomp boxes and synth modules, kinda. addicting.

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