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An idea for bass OD


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I've been sick of my boss bass OD pedal (it's actually tinny dist) for quite some time, and I've been thinking about alternatives. The idea I'm leaning towards mostly is the idea of getting a rackmount preamp and using it as an effect. What would happen if I did this? I plan on putting my bass signal through the preamp and then out of a line out into the input of my regular bass amp (SWR 4004). Would this break/damage anything? Thoughts on this potential setup?

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you should check out the Akai G-Drive.

i'm not a bassist, but i got some huge sounding overdrives from that on a bass. you can fully sculpt the pre and post distortion eq, to give a clean boost, a touch of overdrive (think Korn bass sounds.. as an extreme) an anything else up to real fuzz.

it's all in the eq.

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