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Polychorus - Holy Shhhh


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RoboPimp likes a pedal?? :eek:


I've always wanted to try the PC, but they're never in stock at GC...or anywhere else. :( I really like my Deluxe Electric Mistress. Are the two comparable at all? Can the PC do all of the DEM stuff just as well and more? Should I replace my DEM with a PC? How was I able to force three plates of food down my gullet yesterday with room for cherry cheesecake?




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Originally posted by jimihalen

a pedal??


I've always liked EH stuff... although I must admit when I first plugged into the PC I was muttering to myself that this might be the first dog I've tried from EH. I think the problem was I didn't have a clue where to begin. Needless to say It's winning me over with how many options and tones there are inside.


At $80 the poly chorus is one of the most expensive stompboxes I've ever bought. :thu:


I heard CHOUTMUSIC's clip and it sounded pretty cool so I figured I'd give it a try.

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Originally posted by RoboPimp

liked EH stuff... although I must admit when I first plugged into the PC I was muttering to myself that this might be the first dog I've tried from EH. I think the problem was I didn't have a clue where to begin. Needless to say It's winning me over with how many options and tones there are inside.

At $80 the poly chorus is one of the most expensive stompboxes I've ever bought.

I heard CHOUTMUSIC's clip and it sounded pretty cool so I figured I'd give it a try.


I paid $55 for mine. :p


It really is a pedal that goes back and forth for me though. It has some awesome sounds...but it also has its annoying quirks. Overall I think as long as size isn't a issue for you its the best chorus on the market though. The fact that it can also deliver great flange sounds just puts it over the top.

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Originally posted by hbar

I emailed him about it, we'll see what he says.



Let us know when ya hear something. I'd be curious to hear what mods can be done.


Another Q, this thing says it's "analog" - does that mean the delay is analog like everyone is always raving about?


Also, CHOUTMUSIC, there's some great sounds on that polychorus self-osc. clip you did, I'm getting there but I'd love any tips/hints you might have to share.

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Originally posted by CHOUTMUSIC

Not much really, just twist those freakin' knobs...


cool, I was twistin' it up it last night and my woman called down to me "are you alright???" heheh. Must have sounded painful.


Do you know if I can hurt the pedal in anyway letting it overload/osc. too much? I was getting some pretty sick sounds by turning the amp way down and letting the pedal completely freak out in fullblown overload.


I am also getting better "leslie" rotating speaker type tones with the flanger setting than anything I've ever tried. That's probably going to be one of my main uses for it live.


this pedal gets a winky thumbs up :thu:

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Originally posted by RoboPimp

cool, I was twistin' it up it last night and my woman called down to me "are you alright???" heheh. Must have sounded painful.

Do you know if I can hurt the pedal in anyway letting it overload/osc. too much? I was getting some pretty sick sounds by turning the amp way down and letting the pedal completely freak out in fullblown overload.

I am also getting better "leslie" rotating speaker type tones with the flanger setting than anything I've ever tried. That's probably going to be one of my main uses for it live.

this pedal gets a winky thumbs up

I've never heard anything about overloading hurting the pedal, man that would sure suck though if it was the case. I wouldn't worry about it, just gotta watch those speakers, which I learned cranking the knobs at a show going full blast. Amp seems ok though but you can get some serious low end if twisted the right way.

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Also I spent a half hour with my PC and my Small Clone I just sold to a friend comparing the two. I was trying to emulate the sound of the SC setting I always used with the PC. The SC really is a great chorus and I kind of miss it, to tell you the truth - set to nearly identical settings, it has a slightly more shimmery sound with a little more high end IMO.

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just watched the PGS vid on the EHX site!


i want one so bad! i've been thinking over the past couple nights (meaning that i've been losing sleep over the thought) of what modulation pedal i have to pick up to round out my pedalboard.


this just knocked the Chicago Iron Pedalflange off the top of the hit parade!

soooooo damn cool. i need one. The filter matrix setting alone bitch smacked my ears. I've been looking for something along those lines for a while, but never saw it in the Poly-Chorus (mainly cuz i'm so biased against Chorus itself... people grow up). Oh man oh man, my knees begin to shake.

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when I first got it I was really not sure about it, I wasn't geting the sounds I wanted out of it. That's one of its only weakness: too much versatility. Also, I was only trying it in mono at first. That's it's HUGE strength! S-T-E-R-E-O

this is where the first Holy Shhhh comes in... the stereo quality of this pedal is really incredible. I'm not sure what it's doing but it creates this enormous "spatial" quality. The stereo quality works really good for all the modes (I'm not sure about the "filter matrix" setting - I haven't exactly figured out what that setting does)

the next Holy Shhhh is the self-oscillating qualities of this pedal. Not something I would use very often for gigs but man is it fun and does this pedal do it goooood. The chorus, the flanger, the slapback all osc. beautifully. The only down side is it can be hard to control and when it goes into full on feedback it gets real loud and screeching. But before that point it can make some really weird noises.

the next weakness - I have no instruction manual. Which sounds like I'm an idiot but really this thing has so much flexibility it's more than I'm used to in a stomp box. All the knobs interact in strange and mysterious and sometimes really good sounding ways - but in different ways for each of the effects so that can get confusing.

Also I'm not sure what the "sweep filter on" switch does exactly but I have discovered it definitely has uses in both positions.

Another weakness (or maybe defect in my unit?) some kind of weird sound quality loss in the or something when it's pushed too far in certain directions. For example, when I push the slap back delay further than maybe 1-2 o'clock on the tuning/delay knob (I think this is the delay time for the slapback setting) the repeats get a weird kind of noise in them. A kind of high-pitched artifact or something. Not sure if this is something normal for these pedals or if mine is broken. I know I've read about longer delay times becoming degraded in sound quality...

regardless of that I'm finding out this pedal has some really good sounds in it and the stereo quality is really groooooovy. I was ready to flip this thing on first impression but now that I've given it a little more time I'm liking what I'm hearing. I've been playing with it all day between helping out in the kitchen preparing all this crazy turkey food.



two YEARS later and I still loves mines, still gots it. :thu:

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just watched the PGS vid on the EHX site!

i want one so bad! i've been thinking over the past couple nights (meaning that i've been losing sleep over the thought) of what modulation pedal i have to pick up to round out my pedalboard.

this just knocked the Chicago Iron Pedalflange off the top of the hit parade!

soooooo damn cool. i need one. The filter matrix setting alone bitch smacked my ears. I've been looking for something along those lines for a while, but never saw it in the Poly-Chorus (mainly cuz i'm so biased against Chorus itself... people grow up). Oh man oh man, my knees begin to shake.



i'm not into chorus either, but this sounds so good that i have changed my mind. it does subtle, but the fun happens when you get warbley. the slapback on the double track is great too. there are too many options and they sound great. pink floyd - radiohead - the police- nirvana... it all makes sense. the most surprising part was how quiet it was. some people complain about noise, but i can't.

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