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Taking a HCFX back seat ... just signed up with TGP (arghh !!!)

dangerous dan

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Originally posted by PeelingPaint98

Something I said which I thought was common knowledge which I thought also I said in a non-attacking way drew a warning from Jamie dixhead, when I asked for clairification publicly on the attack policy the only answer I got was public intimidation. I am not easily intimidated so I persisted in asking for clairification also in a fairly respectful but maybe a bit snippy way and was suspended for "arguing with a mod" I protested with Scott but basically I was told that any public questioning of a mod will draw a suspension.

Probably my suspension's up now, I don't know and don't really care.



There's that old adage 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' at work. Whoever doesn't conform with the one in power's POV is eliminated. It's quite alarming how quickly people slip into that mindframe...

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