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My tone is more sparkly than yours.


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I opened up all my pedals and filled the interior cavities of each with glitter glue.


WOW! What a difference. I can literally hear the sparkle. I was tuning up after I did this and even the tuning notes were so lushly organic, I couldn't stand it... so I no longer tune my guitar, just on principle.

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The real problem is the atmosphere into which your speakers are transmitting sound. I encase my entire venue in a plastic bubble and pipe in pure argon gas at 1.26 atmospheres (just high enough to give a bit of a crispness to the 678-683 Hz range without killing my Smurfy upper-mid-highs) and then provide each audience member with a full SCUBA setup. I find people are more attentive to how good my tone is when they are unable to drink and/or flirt because of fear of asphyxiation.

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Originally posted by CapnMarvel

The real problem is the atmosphere into which your speakers are transmitting sound. I encase my entire venue in a plastic bubble and pipe in pure argon gas at 1.26 atmospheres (just high enough to give a bit of a crispness to the 678-683 Hz range without killing my Smurfy upper-mid-highs) and then provide each audience member with a full SCUBA setup. I find people are more attentive to how good my tone is when they are unable to drink and/or flirt because of fear of asphyxiation.

Oh man.....that's sig worthy stuff right there. :D

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Originally posted by Zlandicar

That's sparkly stuff indeed, but it comes nowhere near the sparkliness of my haunting mids!

Besides, it's got a chicken head knob. You should have known that great tone only comes from wooden knobs...

I conjure my haunting mids via a swirly paint job. Swirly paint = the tone.

I also sleep in a hyperbolic chamber. When you want to describe your tone using hyperbolic language, this is the greatest thing you can or ever will do.



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Originally posted by LavaMan

Sounds like what you all of you really need is this:


Cause your spending much too much time being sarcastic about tone and not playing...

I'd play, but I'm at work. So, I'll be as sarcastic about tone as I wanna be, Smarty Pants. Or maybe I should construct a guitar out of paper clip boxes and rubber bands.


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Originally posted by LavaMan

Sounds like what you all of you really need is this:


Cause your spending much too much time being sarcastic about tone and not playing...

Yup, sorry I'm at an office rather than feeding a line of BS to my gullible customers.

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