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Teese Wah but which one

Hand of Ike

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I have decided to get myself a Teese wah after my old wah died recently. Now I'm stuck ...


I live in the UK so no chance of trying them out.


I can't make my mind up between the Picture Wah or the RMC2.


On the the Teese website there is no audio clip for the RMC2 only the picture wah which sounds amazing. But I am very interested in the controls that the RMC2 offers.


I mainly play funk but I love to solo in the vain of Hendrix so I need a wah that can Whack like shaft, Psych like Voodoo and sound sweet as Papa was a Rollin Stone - I know that Teese has a wha that can do this - just which one to go for.


Thanks all.



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JDnadCoke - I'm too far from Cambridge at the moment but thanks for the offer - Did you buy yours in the UK if so where?

I Spoke to Mr Teese himself and for my set up and sound requirements he recommends the Pic Wah - Can't argue with the Man so that's the one for me

Thanks All


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The Wheels of Fire is the RMC6, actually. Be sure to ask for it both ways from a dealer if you're trying to find one.
I went through phone calls with almost a dozen dealers asking for the Wheels of Fire wah. The last guy I called said he didn't have that, but listed off what he did have, and said there was an RMC6 here that he'd never heard of.
Stranger yet, when I got the RMC6 the box was actually labelled Wheels of Fire!
The WoF is great. I LOVED my Picture wah, but compared, it was a little too polite. The WoF is like a Colorsound according to Teese, and its a sound you'll either love or hate. Has more growl than the Pic. And of course you can adjust VOL, Q and LOW (lowend). Both are great, but the WoF has the vocalness I was looking for.

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The Wheels of Fire is the RMC6, actually. Be sure to ask for it both ways from a dealer if you're trying to find one.

I went through phone calls with almost a dozen dealers asking for the Wheels of Fire wah. The last guy I called said he didn't have that, but listed off what he did have, and said there was an RMC6 here that he'd never heard of.


Stranger yet, when I got the RMC6 the box was actually labelled Wheels of Fire!

The WoF is great. I LOVED my Picture wah, but compared, it was a little too polite. The WoF is like a Colorsound according to Teese, and its a sound you'll either love or hate. Has more growl than the Pic. And of course you can adjust VOL, Q and LOW (lowend). Both are great, but the WoF has the vocalness I was looking for.





I knew that:rolleyes:


Brain Fart


Thanks for the correction.

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I was jonesing for the WOF for a while there, but i couldnt get a hold of one, so a/b/c/d...'d the wizard wah, the picture wah, keeley mello wah, homebrew med bawl, and i am a previous owner of an RMC3

i went home with the wizard...

the major differnce i felt among the teese's was in the range in which thye operated...

The picture wah went up all the way to the point of "shrillness" (for me) which is good if you do a lot of funk, more abrupt change in the frequency boost/cut in relation to the motion of the treadle. there is aleady a lot of info regarding this wah so i wont bother. if youre the type of player that likes to rock back and forth this is also a very good choice.

The wizard is more of a classic/psychadelic rock wah in the sense that a good 30% of the motion of the treadle was dedicated to the bass and lower mids section... (talk about haunting mids...) gives you a fatter tone, it's a very "vocal", but it doesnt get to that "shrill" place, great as a filter too, makes my tone fatter and creamier, a lot of people are turned off to this wah i think due to the way it is marketed, which is a wah for humbukers and distortion, which comes from the fact that a lot of wahs dont work well with that combo (i feel due to the HBs lack of treble for the wah to play with). i dont own any HB equipped guitars, but it sounds awesome with my strat. my neigbor calls it the jimi wah... thats exactly what it sounds like... just move the treadle slowly, this is most important to appreciating this wah since it has a WIIIIIIIIIDE sweep, as you can see from Mr. T's response to my question. And because it has no controls for me to "f" with, i just play it... no time wasted... no rats in your head...

im still going to try the WOF if i come across one... i dont know if it will be able to know this off my board. awesome wah. but again, buy what is right for you, for your style of music. if you can a/b them through a similar amp as yours that would be the most ideal situation

some quotes from GT:

In response to my question about the sweep ranges.


In strictly electronic terms, the WOF sweep range is between the PICTURE WAH and the WIZARD WAH. However, to your ears, it sounds like it is tons wider than both the PW & WW. The low end is adjustable, the mids are scooped a bit, and the volume and Q are adjustable as well. The WOF has a really massive sound, very dramatic.

End Quote.

Regarding my comments about the way this wah has been marketed:


Yeah, people glommed on to internet stories that the WW was for humbuckers and high gain amps. Actually, all I've ever stated was that it was BETTER with those than the RMC1. At that time, the RMC1 and WW were the same price and the PW was much more. I knew people shopped with their wallets more than their actual needs so I tried to alert people that the RMC1 was not a wah for all occasions. Man, did I ever fail miserably with that message! As you're learning, the WW is capable of much more than the average wah pedal. People have to be open to what it does, just like you are. Then they can see and hear what is really going on with it. There are all kinds of sweet spots throughout the whole sweep range, allowing you to talk the wah according to where you are on the fingerboard. I'm really pleased that you're so open to what the WW can do. I hope it serves you well for years to come. At most, you'll need some tuner cleaner/lube spray in the future, but that is good for your guitar and amp pots as well.

End Quote.

"Brutalize me with music!"

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