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eeeaaaagggghhhh boss

Daryl Chaney

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That's the real issue there. The BD-2 is already a fine overdrive..and with a few subtle improvements its a GREAT overdrive. There is no need for COSM. And COSM isn't going to make an overdrive sound like its going into a good tube amp. Its just not. And your average idiot with no clue about tone or effects isn't going to know the difference between a BD-2 and this Dyna-Touch or COSM crap no matter what amp he runs through. IT just seems totally pointless.



the digital stuff in there probably had more to do with the vibrato/reverb than the od. The overdrive sounded pretty simple actually. But yea, with my DRRI i allways found that my keeley bd2 sounded 99% the same as when i just crank the deluxe. Of course it sounds different through other amps, but through the deluxe, i can have the amp on 3, but have it sound like it's on 8. All from a SIMPLE pedal, no digital modelling needed....


my question is, if you want the tone of a bassman or deluxe reverb, why not just buy the actual thing? Chances are, IF your able to tell the difference, then you have the means and the will to get the real thing. What these pedals appeal to i think are hobbyists with there little crate amps who are on a budget and want that classic Fender tone. Kids wont know what to do with them, and people like us dont want anything to do with them. So honestly, i think theres a very small market for those pedals. Bad move on Boss' part if you ask me...

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I already have my ideal "dynamic touch" setup...a boost going into hot-running El84s
Oh, and forget everything I hoped for in that previous thread from these pedals.

Yeah...this stuff is clearly aiming for the novice market, and even then a novice would be just as well off with an SD-1 as this Dyna Touch crap. Ive played the SS Dyna Touch technology amps...and it still sounds like poo compared to even the cheapest tube amp for even the lightest of overdrive. For them to try and sell a pedal with that same crap is just ridiculous. I don't know about this COSM fuzz stuff but the Dyna Touch just doesn't work to my ears.

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my question is, if you want the tone of a bassman or deluxe reverb, why not just buy the actual thing? Chances are, IF your able to tell the difference, then you have the means and the will to get the real thing. What these pedals appeal to i think are hobbyists with there little crate amps who are on a budget and want that classic Fender tone. Kids wont know what to do with them, and people like us dont want anything to do with them. So honestly, i think theres a very small market for those pedals. Bad move on Boss' part if you ask me...



Seems to me they're trying to market an idea and a name rather than a sound. And if anyone asks me I'll just send them straight to the Micro Cube rather than waste their money on a one trick Fender amp pony that will most likely cost the same and not eve come with a speaker and built in effects. I'll try these things out but the whole deal just screams playing the Name Game to sell more product.

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Those videos are probably direct recordings and not through a real speaker.

For sure nobody can really pass judgment based on these videos. :thu: But even still my old J-Station had a pretty nice Bassman model on it...and I could hook it up to my computer and pair it up with different speaker cabinets and various effects. I could do the same with an AC30 model, a HiWatt model, etc etc etc. Unless this thing sells for $30...and I'll be shocked if they retail for less than 100, that's still 1/10th as versatile as modelers that have been out for years and I doubt they will sound too much better.

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yea they do seem to be trying to market the name more than anything. You would think that since Keeley is involved with Fender, that Fender would be talking him up and whatever....


but of course Keeley doesn't seem like the type to be interested in 'amp in a pedal' type ventures.


again if someone wants bassman tone in a stompbox, theres 100's of overdrives that would be mentioned. Same with any classic amp. Theres no need for these pedals imo. lame... But as i said, if they sound good, then who knows.... I actually thought the fz5 did a convincing 'satisfaction' fuzztone in that video. People said it was thin sounding, but thats what a maestro fuzztone sounds like.

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I bet everything is played through JC120's...doesn't Boss design everything to work with that amp?


Well to be honest the JC-120 does work very well with a lot of effects pedals, especially for a SS amp. Adrian Bellow used them all the time with Big Muffs and Foxx Tone Machines and he sounded pretty good to me. Those are just awesome examples of what you can do with SS amps. I love what Roland can do with their technology...which is why this is so 'meh.' They can do better.

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I bet everything is played through JC120's...doesn't Boss design everything to work with that amp?



yea, i never understood that. They talk about those amps as if they were classics.... i've hardly ever seen anyone use them. I saw a video of Metallica using them for cleans, and an old Billy Joel concert video. And of course Adrian Belew. Thats it... i'm sure theres more, but there not huge sellers.

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yea they do seem to be trying to market the name more than anything. You would think that since Keeley is involved with Fender, that Fender would be talking him up and whatever....

but of course Keeley doesn't seem like the type to be interested in 'amp in a pedal' type ventures.

again if someone wants bassman tone in a stompbox, theres 100's of overdrives that would be mentioned. Same with any classic amp. Theres no need for these pedals imo. lame... But as i said, if they sound good, then who knows.... I actually thought the fz5 did a convincing 'satisfaction' fuzztone in that video. People said it was thin sounding, but thats what a maestro fuzztone sounds like.


I agree the FZ-5 demo did sound pretty similar to the Satisfaction recording. A few people at NAMM have said it sounded good too...and others have said the COSM fuzz and dirt models on the GT-8 type multi units is nice for a digital pedal...so they may very well sound ok. I think they'll sell quite a few. Just not here.

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yea, i never understood that. They talk about those amps as if they were classics.... i've hardly ever seen anyone use them. I saw a video of Metallica using them for cleans, and an old Billy Joel concert video. And of course Adrian Belew. Thats it... i'm sure theres more, but there not huge sellers.


I think the big deal with them has always been the chorus. Its what the CE-1 was based on, which is usually considered the holy grail of chorus...and even that can't put out stereo chorus like the JC-120 can. Otherwise I agree there are better and more responsive clean tones out there that take pedals better.

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Flaming Lips said that they used a gt8 all over there last album, and they use it live. Of course the Fuzzfactory too, but still..... digital isn't allways bad.



The Edge seems to love digital dirt tones. I like Vox modeling amps alot, I wouldn't mind having the 30 or 15 watt one to mess around with.

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Boss failed pedals this year. Of course it doesn't help that they're most likely running through a JC-120. If you want to sell a pedal, run it through a good tube amp you know? Every Boss/Roland demo I've seen sounds terrible. I can't believe how sterile everything always is. I swear whatever R&D team they have knows nothing about tone. They should have stopped producing distortion pedals after the DS-1, SD-1, and BD-2 and just stuck with the modulation and delays.

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The Edge seems to love digital dirt tones. I like Vox modeling amps alot, I wouldn't mind having the 30 or 15 watt one to mess around with.



yea definately. I used to have this 'purist' attitude about gear, but really it's all about what gets the job done for you. I remember Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes talking about just plugging straight into an amp with no digital interference whatsoever, way back in the early nineties. Now you see him with a DL4 and a Whammy with a rack full of stuff...

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i know one big turnoff to GE fuzzes for me is that they have to be FIRST in order to sound good. If i can get a decent tonebender style fuzztone, from a boss pedal, anyplace on my pedalboard, then i'll give it a shot.


I think that's what they were going for with this. Its not going to sound like a real tonebender I imagine...but it might get you in the ballpark...and as always...nobody in a live audience will be able to tell the difference.


I love my little Vox modeling amp. It doesn't do justice to any of my overdrives, but it actually does ok when I run fuzz->OD->amp and its a life saver when I want to play electric late at night. And it does Tweed Fender, AC30, Marshall, Twin, and several other amp models fairly well and it does great with modulation and time based pedals.

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I love my little Vox modeling amp. It doesn't do justice to any of my overdrives, but it actually does ok when I run fuzz->OD->amp and its a life saver when I want to play electric late at night. And it does Tweed Fender, AC30, Marshall, Twin, and several other amp models fairly well and it does great with modulation and time based pedals.




I love my AD100VT. The distortions aren't great, but the cleans are wonderful. And it takes pedals really well.

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as for the other pedals... The metalcore sounded better than the Metal Zone imo. But still bees in a can as usual. I dont get 'metal' pedals. Any of them. Even nice ones from high end builders on here. They all sound the same to me. 'sterile'

and the Dyna Touch pedal was probably the most pointless, bad sounding od. It was like the pussyass cousin of a ds1...

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yea, i never understood that. They talk about those amps as if they were classics.... i've hardly ever seen anyone use them. I saw a video of Metallica using them for cleans, and an old Billy Joel concert video. And of course Adrian Belew. Thats it... i'm sure theres more, but there not huge sellers.

They ARE classics - at one point in the '80s you'd be way more likely to see a JC-120 onstage than a Marshall or Twin.

Everybody used them (not just the New Wave bands) - they were freakin' bulletproof and sounded killer. They take pedals really well, have a {censored}load of headroom, and the chorus is amazing.

I had an '82 JC-120 as my main gigging amp for 4 years - never ever had an issue with it.


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