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Should I buy an Orange AD30r combo for 850?

rydia is hot

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so i just posted this in the amp forum, but i need to think fast, so i'll ask here, too:

There's a guy I know that needs to move an AD30r combo (2 vintage 30s) fast. It's in okay shape - there's a tear in the grill cloth, some dings, and I think one missing knob (still has the pot and shaft, just missing the knob). it could possibly use a retube, but most amps could (including a new orange, haha).

should I go for it? it'd be cool to have a combo instead of lugging a head and cab around. I've been kind of wanting a older ac30tbx or a dr z, but this seems like a good deal. :freak: i'll just have to sell something if i go for it, b/c i need more gear about as much as i need a hole in my head.

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