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the evolution/de-evolution of a pedalboard


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Darwin would be proud.

But I think that Small Stone is just asking to get into the big gap in the upper left in the last photo...



if is still had it :cry: that's definately a pedal i will own again and should be on there. my favorite phaser by far.

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Lol very impressive. That's a lot of changes
In how long of a time span was that?

Also, how do you like the headrush compared to the dd-20, and the hoof muff thing to the big muff? Thanks..


i was using the dd-20 for looping so i bought the headrush to take over the looping responsibilities and starting using the dd-20 as just a delay. the only modes on the dd-20 i was using were the analog, tape and modulated so i figured i'd try the real thing. the simulations the dd-20 does of analog and modulated delay are ok but aren't close to the real thing. the only downside i've seen to the headrush is that it's got a little hiss to it. i'm messing around with cables and power supplies trying to get rid of it but no luck yet. it's not a problem at bedroom volumes but when i turn my amp up it's no good.


the earthquaker devices hoof fuzz is built by forum member Sir_Dr_Lawyer. There is one residing on Dan Auerbach's pedalboard. that's probably the best advertisement I can give. to my ears, it's not quite as scooped as a big muff and is a little bit grittier. a very nice pedal. it's not on the board currently but i'm not getting rid of it anytime soon.

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OK, now let's hear the rationale for each change between pictures. That will be informative.



the basic idea is to try out as many pedals as possible and decide what i like first hand. not every purchase is some greatly researched ordeal. if i see something i'd like to try and it's a fairly good deal i'll buy it (almost everything on there was bought used. if it doesn't suit me i sell it and try something else. if i have to take a small loss on a pedal to try it out for a while i don't mind. i'd be glad to answer questions about any specific choices made. there are things in there i wish i still had but it isn't like they're unavailable today.

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