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I just made a mini board...

C Fuzz

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I came across this piece of wood in the basement and screwed some rubber feet on it...




Then put some carpet on the top with crazy glue and tiny nails...




Perfect for my tuner and ToneBender MKII...



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I wish people would spend more time building their own boards instead of going out and buying them. Nothing like getting down and dirty and build it yourself. The only think i would have done differently with your board is slant the board, by using small feet in the back and big feet in from. Alternatives to carpets include that cushion grip shelf liner stuff http://www.doityourself.com/icat/shelfanddrawerliners

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why did you paint your pedals?



The fuzz is a hand-made/painted pedal, I didnt like the colors the original painter used so I re-painted it something I dig. Then I decided to paint my tuner to match. I like the way they look.

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here is my miniboard. forgive thread-jack, and the extremely embarrassing image quality

made from a an unused piece of wood at a mate's place, and velcro to complete the magicks


4 pedals and a power supply? Dude, that is a huge board! :D

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Sweet! I've got my very first DIY board cooking at the moment, I don't have many pedals so it's also a mini - love the feeling of knowing it was built by you. I'll post some pics when its done (if I can find this thread again), just gotta finish the layout of the pedals.

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just recently made my first DIY board, yup it's small and compact but gets the job done! converted to US$ (im from the Philippines) it just cost less than 2$ to make!!!(yup, though some parts were free because they were just spare/unused materials from the garage ;)


now for the pics:






the board is small/compact yet it can accomodate 6 boss standard pedals, made from plyboard, rubbermats (for the top and bottom very non skid!!!) and faux tweed fabric (fenderish looking :thu:) for the sides and no need for handles coz the board's small...i only use 2-3 pedals in a gig so this is just fine with me (i play alternativemetal/grunge), no special pedals there but as ive said it gets the job done! the Morley pedal 95% of the time i use for its volume function coz i like the action/throw of Morleys (plus no pots to wear) i put it in the end of the chain to control the master volume (as oposed to being first which controls the gain of the distortions, plus having it in the end and using the DF-7's Big Muff emulation and the Wah engaged sounds like a filter synth sweep! cool!!) the Digitech DF-7 for more drive variations and a Boss SD-1 for crunch mid boost...i often use batteries for setup convenience but sometimes i power the pedals with the 1 Spot, and yea i use an old Dell laptop case to transport the board and it fits nicely!!! works for me!!!






rock on! :rawk:

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