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Anyone ever built an octave fuzz?


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I tried to build GGG's octavia build as my first time kit, but something went wrong. My solder skills probably need more working on -- I'm pretty sure I didn't burn anything. Right now I have all of the components soldered into place and the jacks/switch connected but no fuzz. I've given up on it; I should try a simple boost or fuzz before tackling the octavia again.


If you take your time and you're good w/ a soldering iron, don't fret. If it's your first time, definitely triple check everything you do.


Also, see sig :wave:

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I built a clone of the the Roger Mayer Octave Fuzz and while it sounded OK, I would recommend one of the Tyco clones (GGG or BYOC) just because it is a bit more documented should you have trouble. Make sure your buddy isn't lukewarm about this type of effect because unless you really like it, it's not one of those effects in which you immediately fall in love with. It also takes some tweaking of the knobs along with the guitar tone knob to get some decent tones.

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I built a BYOC octafuzz...works great and I did a nice job on the outside graffix too....it's up for sale. email for pics.....if you just wanna buy one outright if youre scared of building.


It was my first build though, and it started up first time. so yeah, pretty easy if you ain't scrred.

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OK photobucket is actually an easy setup so here ya go......


Brushed with a drill and paint stripper attachment, waterslide decals created on my CPU, along with Epi valve Junior-ish knob arrows for mojo, chicken head knobs cause I had them lying around and almost every BYOC pedal I see here has the same old stock knobs. All sealed under several coats of polyurethane satin gloss to keep the aluminum brushed look from oxidizing. Sond is like no other pedal...not subtle.


Theres a very simple mod to switch on / off the octave and to even boost the octave up 2, bought the switch but haven't installed it yet, probably won't.






SWEET got it to work....I see you don't need to use the "insert image" feature if using photobuckets pre-assembled links....

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Ya,i builts me a foxx tone machine,turned out great and sounds sick,i changed a couple things from the schem but its still all foxx.


People believe you save trillions on making them yourself...well,if ya know what your doing you can save a little but if ya dont it can cost you your time,money and the cost of an original effect once you realize yours dont work,or never gonna work.



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Well, it's not so much an issue of money. I just want to put some of me into the pedal instead of just buying one.


So I guess now it's between a GGG/BYOC Tycobrahe Octavia clone and a Foxx Tone Machine clone... I'll have to listen to some sound samples tonight.


I hope I can get the parts from Mouser or something without making a minimum order!

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OK photobucket is actually an easy setup so here ya go......

Brushed with a drill and paint stripper attachment, waterslide decals created on my CPU, along with Epi valve Junior-ish knob arrows for mojo, chicken head knobs cause I had them lying around and almost every BYOC pedal I see here has the same old stock knobs. All sealed under several coats of polyurethane satin gloss to keep the aluminum brushed look from oxidizing. Sond is like no other pedal...not subtle.

Theres a very simple mod to switch on / off the octave and to even boost the octave up 2, bought the switch but haven't installed it yet, probably won't.



nice job, looks great!


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Well, it's not so much an issue of money. I just want to put some of me into the pedal instead of just buying one.

So I guess now it's between a GGG/BYOC Tycobrahe Octavia clone and a Foxx Tone Machine clone... I'll have to listen to some sound samples tonight.

I hope I can get the parts from Mouser or something without making a minimum order!


Firstly,i'm assuming you know not to much about effects so just disregard this if you do.:thu:

My advice to you for what its worth is this:


Buy a GGG PCB for the tone machine,order all the parts from smallbear and save yourself a headache and spend ten bucks on a digital multimeter capable of testing transistors.

Download some software that tells you about values etc of capacitors and resistors so its there WHEN you need it,not if you need it.

Heres the link and its free.

direct download from this link



When ya buy transistors ya never just buy what ya need,say for example i need four,then i buy 30 so i can match them for the right gain level i'm after for a specific effect,and a total dud comes thru occasionally as well so i dont wana be hit with a lack of parts.


Transistors are never matched and you need a heap to pick out some with a close hfe if thats what you require.

Putting four random transistors randomly in a circuit sounds like {censored} and theres actually alot to getting it to sound good.


The same four transistors in different positions in the same circuit changes the sound for better or worse,it effects it and therefore i use sockets until i try every combo on each effect i make,then once i'm happy with the sound i solder the transistors in place.


Familiarize yourself with some terminology and parts or it wont be fun but itl be a nightmare.


If you choose to do a FTM from GGG i can help you out with your order by giving you the parts numbers IF you cant find them on steves site (smallbear),i would need to get the parts list and go thru the site just like you tho so its easy if you find it yourself . also i'd be willing to help with the build if you need it providing you have a high resolution camera that is.


Basically,if you do your research you can have a successful build and a very cool sounding pedal,even with no experience.But diving in head first with no knowledge is not gonna get you anywhere.If you see a term and you dont know what it means.....google it rather than post a thread cause the info you find yourself will be quicker and more reliable than that from a forum full of big shot "byoc builders" that dont know {censored}!


Just PM me if you do need some help,its not a problem.




foxx sample:




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