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Using Two Delays- Share How You Do It!


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I love delay pedals and all the sounds you can coax from them. I haven't explored the use of two delays in a chain because I don't have two right now and I wouldn't know what I am doing, but want to.


Please share what cool things can be done with two delays and / or what you do that you find most effective.



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Here's a cool use.

Listen to Observatory in the Cosmos.

It's done by having a Boss DD20 set on reverse delay and using another delay on high feedback and changing delay time back and forth.

That is a very specific use, but there are a number of other uses. Mainly I use one delay as a short slapback, almost like a reverb, and for the other delay I use a longer delay for spacey parts.

The best way you can find out is to get two delays and start experimenting!

I guarantee you will think how you got along without having two in the first place. ;)
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I play a lot of Edge-type delay stuff, and I use two delays to imitate his stereo delay setup...

First in the chain is a Deluxe Memory Man, set for about 3-4 repeats and with just a touch of chorus modulation. I set the delay time at approximately quarter-note value of what I'm playing. Blend slightly less than 50%, so the delay signal is a little quieter than the dry signal.

Next is a Boss DD-5, on the dotted eighth setting with tap tempo. 3-4 repeats.

With the two combined, the DD-5 does the "dotted eighth delay" thing, and the DMM repeats (slightly quieter than the DD-5 signal) play in between the DD-5 repeats, but still on beat. The DD-5 is my primary sound, but the DMM helps fill in the sound and mimics having a second amp with a different delay signal (as well as adding the warmth of analog and the modulation).

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On my GT-8 one of my favourite settings is to set a delay on the left, and one on the right, i set them both for tap tempo, and the left one is dotted eights and the right one is quarter notes. The sound is huge, great for muted arpeggio stuff.

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