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Zvex enclosure type..


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I've got a Zvex superduper2in1, and i want to velcro it onto my board. At the moment i've got velcro on the 4 tiny rubber feet :D but i'm looking to velcro a bit more of the whole bottom plate..


I'm not keen on sticking adhesive materials onto a hand-painted Zvex. So what i'm asking is: what is the enclosure type/size, and where could i buy one as a replacement upon which i'm happy to whack on velcro?


thanks in advance!

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I use bicycle chian links to secure my ZVex and other pedals, with cut up pieces from thin sheets of craft foam in between the link and the plate to protect the paint. It's cheap, and you don't have to replace the bottom plates.


unfortunately i want to use velcro :)


but the chain links are a definite option. in fact i have some lying around...

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