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Dilemma, help.

Drumas funk

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I have a Tonelab, the desk top version. I really like the sounds, and I really like the intuitive layout. I know it would work great for recording, but obviously live is a different story. I just want the effects live. So I started looking at the GT-8 as a tool for live use, since I can configure it almost any way I want. But I really want to do some home recording too.


I plan on recording digitally. The good thing about the GT-8 is that it has a coaxial out that would match my computers coaxial in. Where as the tonelab has a fiber-optic out, which means I would have to get an M-audio Co2.


What I'm really wondering is, can the GT-8 get great sounds for recording, and is the layout going to make it really complicated to achieve these sounds?



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