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Any interest> BYOC, GGG, OLCircuit type kits for the UK members?


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If you can undercut BYOC's UK distributor, and provide the same amount of online support, then yeah I'd be interested.


There's a market that no one has seemed to corner yet, and that is to have kits packaged and available in music shops. I think people would go for them.

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I would be 100% interested....but

1. the intructions would have to be top notch.
2. prices would have to be good. (i'm looking at a GGG kit at the moment, EHX LPB2 clone, it's $38, plus $12 postage to the UK..that's about

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Great. I can certainly come up with some documentation that would cover all of the build elements in detail.


I'll be keeping prices as low as possible, packaging the same components that I use for my own builds (carbon comp resistors for OD's/Boosts, metal film for modulation, WIMA Caps e.t.c) - A simple FET booster or a fuzz face clone I imagine would be around

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Great. I can certainly come up with some documentation that would cover all of the build elements in detail.

I'll be keeping prices as low as possible packaging the same components that I use for my own builds (carbon comp resistors for OD's/Boosts, metal film for modulation, WIMA Caps e.t.c) - A simple FET booster or a fuzz face clone I imagine would be around

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mmm....I'm guessing free pollock splatter paint job is out of the question?


I should put up an option for you to get a Pollock paint job for an extra tenner or something like that. I could make it so that you can even select your 4 colours :thu:


I like the idea of the Rat as a kit. Also the compressor - the orange squeezer is a classic and has about 1000 mods for it, I'm sure that would be a nice project to offer. The octave down fuzz would be more of an "advanced" sort of build but I'm sure I could work something out in the future regarding those sorts of builds.


Infact I have a good idea, lets make a short list of all the projects people would like to see. Than have a vote on which ones should be made into kit form....

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octave fuzz
stupid mega massive high gain fuzz

oh and you know that crybaby Q pedal that lets you dial in a cocked wah sound with the knob, then turn it on with a regular stomp?....one of those!

Parametric eq
feedback loop with expression pedal out.


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GGG = General Guitar Gadgets ;)


I think I'm going to be going for a line up a little something like this:


1) Mosfet/Jfet booster

2) Tubescreamer type OD

3) Compressor

4) Tremolo

5) True Bypass/Feedback Loop

6) Classic Rat distortion

7) A strange oscillating fuzz or some other odd effect.


I think number 7 will be based around my old "Zombietone" pedal that I used to produce, that was capable of all sorts of crazy sounds!

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GGG = General Guitar Gadgets

I think I'm going to be going for a line up a little something like this:

1) Mosfet/Jfet booster

2) Tubescreamer type OD

3) Compressor

4) Tremolo

5) True Bypass/Feedback Loop

6) Classic Rat distortion

7) A strange oscillating fuzz or some other odd effect.

I think number 7 will be based around my old "Zombietone" pedal that I used to produce, that was capable of all sorts of crazy sounds!

I think that covers most of what I'd personally be interested in; maybe a really simple phaser too, single knob ala Phase 90 or Small Stone.

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What should I have for numbers 3 & 6? I can't decide whether to have a Rat kit or a Big Muff type kit for number 3 and I'm lost for choice for number 6. Suggestions please!

I think 6 is a good number of kits to start with, then go onto some wider ranging stuff later on stuff later...

Sainty: Is that some Banksy Graffiti you have as you avatar? One of the pieces he did on the dividing wall around Gaza?

Rat or muff, there aren't many rats or vintage muffs in this country at all anyway, personally I'd choose a muff because they are a lot more popular.

as far a 6, I don't think you could compete on price with something like the XO pulsar so trem is out of the question. maybe a script phase 90? As I said before though, I'd prefer a Dod 440 clone.

Yeah that's banksy on the west bank. :wave:

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a Tremolo which slows down as the signal gets quieter would be ace!


I've just finished a booster (called it the Blast!) which can be converted into a tremolo by adding an outboard LFO or sequencer unit, both of which can have their speed modulated by another control unit, such as an envelope follower (or even another sequencer or lfo :freak:) There's the effect your after. :thu: As a kit it would just be too complex though, you've got tremolo circuit, LFO circuit and envelope circuit all at work. You could always mod your trem for expression pedal input and have an envelope follower control it.


I'll definitely bring out a kit for my old zombietone design (sound samples here!), I miss building them! I think I'll bring it out after I've done the first round of kits though. It'll probably be a more specialized build.


Hmm, I'll have to look into which would make the better project RAT or BM? I'll check them over and see which I think I can get the most out of. I think the Rat will be a bit easier for people to understand and learn from but the BM is also a timeless classic. Ah, so many choices!


The DOD 440 would be very do-able, I imagine it would work well as a project as it's fairly easy to understand too.


My favorite Banksy - The riot cops on the wall or the guy hanging out of the imaginary window. Great stuff.

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Id be intrested, it would be great if dome shops sold pedals in kit form, even if they were a couple of fivers more than say an origional, its all about the pride in puting it all together.

I have built a power booster before and it was awsome, but the enclosure i put it in was plastic and eventually got broken by standing on it, thus breaking the internals.

I would love to make another one, but much neater and with AC power and 9V power selectable, with a little touch of gain in there as well.

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just checked out your site, pretty cool, a lot more professional than most UK builders

hopefully see some more interesting pedals from you in the future (sequenced tap trem?!)

Cheers, within the next month I'll be bringing out a sequencer control module that can be connected to the exp input of any pedal, it'll have a random mode and a step mode built in. If you check my blog I've just finished off the Blast! booster which makes a great trem when an LFO controler (Also out soon) or a sequencer is plugged in to the exp input :thu:

The tubescreamer pedal I will be offering will be based around the popular "minimal" style circuit - a lot of currently *Very* popular boutique booster/overdrive units are using this circuit so it should sound great when I've finished with it ;) at least as good as your power booster.

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It would be cool to propose in time some cool new ideas like a tap tempo for the tremolo or maybe a hard gating for it so you can do the "money" stuff as those kind of tremolos are hard to come by.


It would be cool to get some cool new projects of pedals that aren't as "often seen" but the fuzz, od, compressor and rat are always winners with the major crowds so go for it, that'd be awesome to have that option here in UK :thu:

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It would be cool to propose in time some cool new ideas like a tap tempo for the tremolo or maybe a hard gating for it so you can do the "money" stuff as those kind of tremolos are hard to come by.

It would be cool to get some cool new projects of pedals that aren't as "often seen" but the fuzz, od, compressor and rat are always winners with the major crowds so go for it, that'd be awesome to have that option here in UK

Some good ideas there, it would be interesting to see new ideas but obviously they take time and, ultimately, money to develop. It would be great to see some innovation coming out of the UK for a change, but for now a solid base of kits would be a great start.

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Yeah, I'm gonna start with a set of well known pedals that apeal to the masses. Then if they prove popular I'll move into the more obscure stuff.


There's only a few FX builders here in the UK. It's much harder to crack the market coming from the UK than it is when your building in the US, the price barrier is one thing and the import/export is another. It's also hard to get a new and unique product into peoples eyes - a lot of the time people are not looking to create a new sound but rather re-create one they have heard else where.

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