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Loop station help!!!


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Hi guys i'm new to the forum and need some help! I have a new Boss RC-2 Loop station that I cant get to work the way I want it to. Here's my dilemma. I want to run my loop station from my amp mic to the snake so the loop will play through the mains. The reason I am doing this is because I use the distortion from my amp and want to be able to record a clean sound and switch to dist. to play over top of the clean. I cant run the loop before the amp with my other pedals because it will have whatever effect on it that my amp has on it at that time. I tried running an XLR from my amp mic to the 1/4 input on the loop and then running a 6" patch cable to a DI box and then running a regular XLR to the snake but the sound board doesnt pick up any signal. I tested the mic, DI box and cables and all are working fine. I can run direct out from my amp (which mutes the amp speakers) to the loop and then to the snake and it works fine but sounds kinda crappy. I really dont understand how I would loose that much signal by doing this but its just not there! Any help or insight is appreciated, I hope you guys can understand my rambling! Thanks! Jared

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what a snake?


if your amp has an fx loop you could you split your signal before the amp input, sending one into the input, and amp channels for clean/od/gain and then take the 2nd signal to the RC-20 and then out of the RC-20 into the 'FX return' (or 'poweramp in').


that way you get amp channel switching but RC-20 signal (clean) going through your poweramp when you need it..


i don't use the mic input on the RC-20 personally. its quite nasty.

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The RC-2 is designed to handle guitar level, not line or mic level. You need to place it in your FX loop (between the preamp and poweramp) to get the desired effect (looped distortion, playing clean over the loop or vice versa). The RC-2 will not work well with a microphone.

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Ok I get what you guys are saying but I dont think that will work with my amp. I play a Line 6 Spider 2 210 and the only jacks its has are guitar imput, Line out which mutes the speakers making the amp useless for my needs, and the footswitch jack. The pedal loops fine when played before the amp but I cant switch channels and if i play over top of the looped section it drowns it out pretty bad:cry: The only way I could think of was to take the signal from the mic to the loop and then to the sound board which abviously wont work because the pedal isnt really meant to be used that way. AARGGGHHH!:mad:

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