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Phase90 Mods...


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Definitely don't mess with the trimpot - if you get it out of whack, you will lose the phaser effect completely. Getting it back just so is a real pain in the a**...

Here's a stock Reissue Phase 90 (first off, then on) -
- notice the gargled distortion going on with the pedal engaged.

Here's the same pedal with R28 taken out -




Wow. That is a HUGE difference in sound - much, much deeper and no clipping without the R28.


I'm just a bit worried about removing it, as I've heard of a few people removing it and then the pedal not working. Is this actually a risk with this mod, or I'm I just worrying over nothing?

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I don't think so. There's a very slight boost when I engage mine but nothing major.



The same goes for my un-modded Phase 90. A very slight boost, but nothing noticeable.


Can anyone confirm if removing the R28 can actually interrupt the circuit or not?

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Interrupt circuit, no. It doesn't affect volume but there is a difference. I bought a 2nd, stock 90 to go along with my R28, and the stock one going into my SD-1 is kind of nasty but the R28 sounds better, smoother. Anyway, the R28 mod does not make the unit totally clean either. There is still some distortion. I never removed those other things, c12/13.

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Wow. That is a HUGE difference in sound - much, much deeper and no clipping without the R28.

I'm just a bit worried about removing it, as I've heard of a few people removing it and then the pedal not working. Is this actually a risk with this mod, or I'm I just worrying over nothing?

I've heard that too, and the most likely cause for such problems are people not being careful enough when desoldering. My memory may not serve me right here, but IIRC one of the through-plated holes also serve as a through-point (moving the signal from one side of the board to the other), and if you damage the through-plating, the connection will be broken.


The trick is to either desolder the component very carefully, or simply use a pair of pliers to clip the resistor out (thus keeping the soldering intact). I'd go for the pliers :)



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ive done a few things to mine and removing R28 does reduce clipping but doesnt eliminate it or the volume boost.

i modded it to script and it sucked so its stock now except r28.


its still loud as {censored},its a nice sweep and a smallstone is waaaay more intense than a p90 so i like the p90 for mellow phasing.


R28 is ok but its nothing major,clippings better by about 60%, volumes the same or close to it.

also,ive messed with the trim a fair bit and believe me, its set at its prime in the factory and you cant get anymore sweep out of it whatso ever!

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I think I'm just going to sell it. It really comes down to it not being able to get the sound that I want - and no matter what I do, it won't ever change from still sounding like a Phase 90.

I'll probably get a Flanger Hoax, which seems to be able to do some phasing, as well as all the weird, out-there sounds that I can't make the Phase 90 do.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with info.


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